Could You Survive | Teen Ink

Could You Survive

November 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Could You Survive!?!?

Do you have what it takes to survive the zombie apocalypse? To survive the zombie apocalypse you would need many things. First is what kind of zombies are out there in this apocalypse. There are many different interpretations of how zombies act and are killed. There are many T.V. shows and video games about surviving in a zombie invasion. The Walking Dead might be the best T.V. series, created by Frank Darabont. This show perceives the zombies as “Walkers”, in the series many different people call them different things depending on where they were when is all began. I want to focus mainly on this show because I believe this is what zombies will be like. So, to survive in a walker invasion what would you need, where should you go, how would you survive?

The most important thing you need to survive a walker invasion is your weapon. The weapon you carry is your lifesaver, along with plenty other things, but the weapons you use needs to be light enough to swing it and heavy enough to do damage to the walker. The walkers in this show are controlled by the brain, meaning you need to eliminate the brain to eliminate the walker. Sure taking away the legs and arms would disable it but it is not dead and is still a threat. Guns are good to take care of them but will only draw more walkers to you with the sound. Melee weapons are the best but you need to be close so only take them one or two at a time and keep as much distance as you can. Once you have eliminated it stay alert check around make sure you are completely safe then you can let your guard down, but not completely. Also good to have is your partners. Do not ride solo, you will end up dead. Get a group so that you have someone watching your back while you do the same for them. Keep your weapon close you are going to need it.

You need a setup, a location away or safe from walkers. A jail is a great location, not only is it meant to keep people in but it is also meant to keep people out. In the television show Rick Grimes and his group cleared out a jail and for the longest time it was safe, But no matter how hard they tried and how precautious they were, it still got in. When someone dies in this apocalypse scenario they will not stay dead. No matter how you die you will come back as a walker. Disease got in and killed a boy and then it got around. So when you choose your shelter make sure it is clean and have medication. Location is key, you need to be somewhere away from suburbs or cities so that the walker population is low. You want it to be gated and locked up.

Supplies are crucial like almost everything but these include things you need. Food and water are necessary supplements for survival. You need many things to survive, to put it in a list would be medication, food, water, ammunition, car parts, and building supplies. Food and water is hard, you will need to find your own food and water from streams and hunting. Canned food and bottled water will run out very quick after other survivors have scavenged and left nothing behind. Medication will be out of production, scavenging these early on is better than waiting, but scavenging and gathering everything early on is better. Ammunition is important and don’t use it all in one place, conserve that as much as you can. Cars are good to get in and out of scavenging runs quick but are noisy and you will need even more supplies to keep those going like car parts and gasoline. Be sure to horde as much supplies as you can you will need everything you can get.

How could a regular person survive, what techniques are the best. Keeping quiet and staying on the down low is a good idea. You don’t want other survivors to know where you are especially if you can’t trust them. People will do anything to survive and depending on where there morals will show if they’re a threat. Do what is necessary to survive or protect the group, by any means, killing another person to protect the group is better than killing them for their supplies. Still do what can be done not to kill another person, try to avoid killing. When scavenging I would suggest being as quiet as possible and try not to risk it for the biscuit. Life is worth more than some shotgun shells laying on a desk. Be safe and cautious and always be alert and sleep with one eye open.

I know when you watch shows like The Walking Dead and play zombie video games it seems like the zombie apocolyspe will be a piece of cake. It will be harder in reality. Just remember what you need to know and what you have seen and you will be ok. Still nothing lasts forever but fighting is always the right choice, don’t give up hope, it just might be humanities last hope. After hearing all this, could you survive?

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