is rap good or bad? | Teen Ink

is rap good or bad?

May 26, 2014
By anthony calderon BRONZE, Austin, Texas
anthony calderon BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is rap good or bad?
Rap is always considered a bad music genre. But only by those who haven’t listened to rap. None –fans of rap have listened to some rap music and think it shouldn’t be considered bad.
Rap is most famous in low income places a lot of rappers were born and raised in low income places. For example Eminem was born in Detroit, Michigan and had a really bad life but thanks to his raping skills he managed to become famous. And now inspires others in low income places or with poor life’s that they shouldn’t give up and to keep fighting, with his rap music.
Also most rap tells you about how the real world really is, and it can also prepare you for it or help you get that extra boost to keep going and not give up.
Some people think that curse words are bad and should be censored. But I think that cursing makes the song more powerful and gives it more meaning. Also sometimes cursing helps get the point across better.
Rap is not a bad music genre it depends on which rapper or song you listen too. Also you should give rap a chance it is a great music genre.

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