Guitar | Teen Ink


February 2, 2015
By mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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When I was 7 years old my parents got me my first guitar. At the time I was very excited because I always wanted wanted one. The first six months or so I barely touched it. One day I decided I wanted to play it, so I got it out of the case and saw there was a beginners guide on how to play it. So then I thought I would put it in to try to learn. The next thing I remember I learned my first chord, then more chords, next my first song. The most significant event of my life was when I learned the guitar. The reason for that is because it made my like music way more, made me good at figuring things, and made me smarter.

learning guitar was important because it opened a new part of life by making me interested in music more, and had me playing all kinds of music. It created an event that stuck with me, and will stick with me forever, and always be a huge part of my life. If I hadn’t learned how to play guitar when I was seven, I wouldn’t be doing what I would like to do most in my life now. I use the guitar in my everyday life by playing in the school jazz band, and practicing for gigs with my rock band. A possible degree that I may want to have when i’m older is being a jazz guitarist. So if I don’t know what to do when i’m older I can always play jazz for my career.  Another advantage that playing the guitar has, is that I can always brighten people’s days up by jamming on the guitar. It makes me feel good when people enjoy listening to me play the guitar. I’m really glad of all the things learning guitar can do to you, and I think its obvious that learning the guitar was the most important event in my life. I self taught myself the guitar so that made me really good at being good at figuring things out on my own.

When I was seven, I didn’t have anyone to help me learn the guitar. Sure, I had a dvd to help me, but nobody to ask questions about. When I was spending countless hours learning guitar, I finally learned the basics of the guitar, even with all of the frustration and pain in my fingers. Doing that made me good at doing things on my own, figuring things out, and teaching me how to do things. Examples of me making things up and finding things out are, making songs up with my guitar, teaching myself the drums, building my deer stand, and figuring out how to run machines. I like to make things up in my guitar, almost on a daily basis. I hope one day I will record music and make some money off of it.  I would never have be able to do that if I didn’t spend hours on end teaching myself guitar. I also learned how to play drums. I never had a single drum lesson or even watch a DVD on it. So I kind  of taught myself how to play the drums by experimenting and just messing around with it until I learned the basics. I am also good at designing and making things like deer stands. I made my own deer stand but it was very hard work,  similar to learning the guitar, and I figured out how to play the guitar. I believe that learning the guitar has made me like music and trained me how to do things on my own. I also think it made me better at another thing, making me smarter.

  The reason I think that is because I have to be creative when I play the guitar and I would also  have to be creative to be a writer. I have to use math skills all the time when playing the guitar because of all of the counting involved. Learning guitar helped me with my math and writing skills which made me smarter, so it was an important thing in my life. It has been important in my life because I have always done well in school and received good grades. Getting good grades and doing well in school will help me the most in the long run, because with good grades comes good jobs. With good jobs comes with good money, and good moneys makes for some awesome things and fun stuff!

In conclusion, I am really glad I have learned the guitar because it has greatly affected me, and has infected others around me. Learning an instrument made me like music, and my life has changed because of how much I like music. Self teaching myself how to play the guitar made me good at figuring things out on my own, and made me smarter. I have learned so much about the guitar, and I plan to learn more.

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