Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Review | Teen Ink

Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Review

February 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Did you know that Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, a #1 best seller according to the New York Times? For Greg Heffley, it is summer time. Which means video games all day and attempts of doing activities other than staying indoors. Everything that occurs during summer is unexpected. The book and movie are very divergent. Therefore, I prefer the movie to the book. 

The film concentrates on a couple of scenes from the book. The novel has more events that weren’t included in the movie. The book provides you with sketches of the characters, which should give you an idea of what they look like. When the characters came to life in the movie, they somewhat looked what I thought they would look like. When you read the book you visualize how the director would execute it on the big screen. When watching the movie, you already have that vision in your mind. In this case, the movie didn’t quite match up to how I imagined it. For example, when I saw Greg’s family they did not look at all what I had imagined. The director put in maybe two thirds of the books scenes into the movie. Which makes sense because you wouldn’t be able to fit the whole book into the movie.

I think that a superb amount of effort was put into making the scenes come to life elaborately. For me, the movie was more appealing because it was a more interesting way to display the story. Making the story exist in a movie was fascinating to me. Most of the film consists of Greg enjoying summer activities at a country club. It makes you aspire summer. The director uses settings, which captivates you because it is about summer, which everyone loves. The book does catch your attention, thing is it doesn’t keep it as long as the movie does.
I believe that you will enjoy the movie more than the book. It depends on how you enjoy a story. If you like visuals, go for the movie. If you love elaborate events in words, read the book. I say you should read the book first then watch the movie. That gives you a solid idea of what the differences are. The characters kill it in the movie and entertain you with humor. The way the story played out in the movie was a movie worth watching. I promise you won’t waste your time reading and watching this tale. The story will captivate you, and you will not want to stop watching.

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