Pokemon | Teen Ink


February 17, 2016
By hectorchuca2 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
hectorchuca2 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I had played Pokemon was when I had just gotten my first Gameboy Advanced and a copy of Pokemon Red. I turned it on and quickly started a new save file and my first adventure in the Pokemon  world. Pokemon is a good game to play because it teaches you math skills you will need in life, patience, and strategy.
Playing Pokemon has made me learn how to wait for that one special Pokemon and training Pokemon in a normal game is something I had to do so I don’t lose. In Pokemon there are 8 gyms to beat with the Elite 4 at the end. You absolutely need patience in order to train to face these foes. Pokemon taught me patience for situations, something that most people don’t have, Patience is important in any and all situations.

Shockingly enough Pokemon showed me hot to make a strategy for the situations I go through in other games and real life. In Pokemon you have to worry about type advantages, like how fire beats grass, water beats fire and grass beats water, and the use of items. It’s like that in all games. In real life it helps me make decisions, like approaching some people and avoiding paths that I could go through.

Pokemon taught me how to count, do addition and subtraction. When it is a turn based game, speed and HP (Health Points) is what you have to worry about. When your HP hits zero, you’re out so you have to watch the numbers, heal and hope that your opponent does not get a critical hit!

Pokemon has taught me how to go into situations and come out on top. It has taught me how to wait for the right moment to attack, form a strategy and calculate if i can knock out an opponent or if i can live one more attack. Pokemon has taught me how to be a better person than most of the people I know. Nobody is perfect and I know I’m the farthest thing away from that but with these improvements I can keep living life the way I want to.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this because i want to show that games can teach you skills also becuase I needed to turn in a paper for english

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This article has 1 comment.

pokeman said...
on Apr. 1 2016 at 9:48 am
I also think that Pokemon is a great game for kid.