The Best of Music | Teen Ink

The Best of Music

February 17, 2016
By jumboi BRONZE, Austin, Texas
jumboi BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Music has been so amazing to me.It has really changed me and change the way i see things.Music is not something you just listen to,music is something that you can see from the artist and the things you can see through their backgrond.Music has really changed me,it was music that thought me that the bad days are just there to make the good days better.

Music Is Art
Without music there wouldn’t be no artist,no creativity,and no fun in the world.Music is a way in which people can enjoy life and let out their emotions.Music is a culture that has been around for a long time and has changed throughout history.Music is the best part of art.

It Helps You Calm Down
Whenever i’m mad or in a bad mood i just go to my room and listen to music and after 5 minutes i’m already calm down.when i feel stressed i don’t get that mad because instead of letting out all of my anger i just lay down somewhere,put on my headphones and when a few minutes pass i already feel calm.

Music Helps You Change
Music has changed many people’s life in many diffrent ways.It can change someone who doesn’t care about anything and is really mean, to someone who is very educated,respectful,really nice,and actually cares about people.It has really changed me,it chaged my attitude,my lifestyle,and my emotions.Music can really chage you in a good way.

Music Idols That Changed The History Of Music
My music idols are Chris Brown,G-eazy,Macklemore,Future,Childish Gambino,Kendrick Lamar,and the best rapper in history ,J.Cole.These rappers helped me me through the tough times and the times that i feel sad,but J.Cole was the one who really helped me through life and made me make good decisions through all these times.Without J.Cole i would be here right now.They all have inspired me to keep up with life and to work ahead to have a better life.If you start listening to music and find your music idols,trust me it will change the way you see things and it can really change you.

i recommend that people should listen to music more often because it can really change you in a good way.Music is something that will teach you how to handle things in real life and can teach you way more.Music has changed many people’s life,now it’s time to change yours!


Pick The said
“So next time you are feeling down, put on Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” – or dust off your Bob Dylan albums – you may, or may not connect with the “Harmonic Vibrations of the Universe” but I bet you will feel a whole lot better about whatever it was that was bothering you!”  

The author's comments:

Music motivated me to keep fighting because there is more to life that just sitting there and not doing nothing to change your life.

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