Perspective Through Music | Teen Ink

Perspective Through Music

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

When it comes to expressing myself, It’s a difficult thing for me to do. I either come off scared or awkward when I try to show how I’m feeling. That’s when I turn to music, when I’m listening to music I don’t feel weird or awkward for expressing my feelings I just feel what the singer is feeling whether it’s a sad, angry or happy song I just go with it. Whenever there is a day that I am facing a problem in my life, one little note of music makes it feel like that problem doesn’t even exist. Which is why I think we should appreciate music more. People in the world don’t understand the beauty of music and how much effect it has on us, but they need to know music will be there for them. We need to show everyone the beauty of music, why music is important, and why music is more than just words and rhythm.

Music is beautiful in many different ways one way is that it can express feelings we feel. Sometimes just simple words are not enough to express my feelings and thoughts. Most of the time I don’t feel comfortable with saying what’s on my mind, but turning the words into lyrics and giving a little tune and rhythm to it can do the trick. Many artists show what they feel, their fears and their emotions through their music. It’s like telling a story so it can lighten the heart and reach a number of people who can learn from their story. There are times when life just seems all messed up. When there are situations that  are so devastating that there is nothing we can do so we try to look for an escape. Music is an escape, it makes it feel like those miseries and fears never existed. For example, if a girl just got out of a relationship and is devastated she might listen to a sad or happy song based on her personality. It’s not just a cliche it actually works. That’s only some of the beauty music has, but we need to know why it is important. Learning about music is just as important as  learning how to read and write. We learn how to read and write so we can communicate. The more we learn, the more we can say what we want to say, same goes with music. The more we know about music, the more we will be able to say what we want to say through music when we can’t say what we want to say through words. Also the more we learn about music the more we will understand what it means to be human. Now that you know the importance of music let’s move on to why we should appreciate it more.

There are so many reasons why we should appreciate music more. For one it makes us feel understood and it will be there for us through tough times. We all know what it is like to have an event in our lives that make us feel like we are nothing, and that no one could have any idea what we are going through. Then we hear lyrics to some song that describes how we feel almost word for word. We then start to feel as if we aren’t as empty and feel like the artist knows what we are going through. Even if a song doesn’t quite speak to us, it still can be calming and distract us from unwanted thoughts and it will get us on the path to feeling better. Another way is that it helps us understand other people’s perspectives and the world around us because music is culture. Even the songs that we find to be lacking in meaning it will still say a lot about the artist and their culture. One of my favorite things about listening to all different kinds of music is that I can understand what the song is about and the feelings in it my how the artist interprets it in the song. By listening to music it personally makes me feel less narrow minded and ignorant to what could be happening around me. It also helps me understand other people’s emotions and their ideas through a very vulnerable form of art.

Music is much more than just a part of our lives. It can gives purpose in ways that we may have directly noticed or unnoticed and unappreciated. Music may not be silent, but it is a silent background contributor to what makes life, life. So hopefully the next time you go through a heartbreak or a tough situation, you can appreciate what music means to you.

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