Are Nikes still the top selling sneakers of all time? | Teen Ink

Are Nikes still the top selling sneakers of all time?

May 28, 2024
By kayden_brown10 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
kayden_brown10 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up, Nike shoes were everywhere in my life. From my friends to my siblings, cousins, and even random people I encountered, everyone seemed to be wearing Nike footwear. As a senior in highschool, I have noticed a shift in the sneakers being worn. Everyone wants a great sneaker collection and it seems that a lot of other brands have become more present. This change begs the question: Has Nike lost its lead as the world's top shoe brand? 

According to Brand Finance, Nike’s dominance in the apparel industry remains the leader and it will continue to be for years to come. The article states, “From its relentless commitment to innovation, ability to stay ahead of market trends, and extensive partnerships with athletes worldwide, Nike has firmly cemented its place at the top of the apparel industry. In 2023, the brand is continuing to leverage its enormous global influence and reputation to empower positive change in the sporting world and beyond.” This shows where Nike stands in brand popularity and where it is projected to be in the future. My love for Nike sneakers stems from its association with one of my favorite basketball players, Michael Jordan. With MJ being arguably the greatest player in NBA history, his partnership with Nike ensures that they will never fall off the map. His influence alone is a very big and important factor to Nike’s popularity. Jordan has not played in the league in over 20 years and every entertainer and celebrity has a pair of Air Jordans. 
While brands like Adidas and New Balance cater to the tastes of the new generation, Nike remains the peak of sneaker culture, standing as a symbol of timeless style and innovation. Its ability to maintain its relevance speaks volumes about its appeal. I am confident that Nike will maintain its position as the most popular sneaker for many years to come. With the support of the big star athletes across various sports, including basketball, baseball, and football, will only boost Nike’s standing. 
In my view, Nike’s reign as the world’s premier shoe brand is far from over. This was decided by not only my generation but also the ones that came before us. Nike shoes display a timeless elegance and style, making it suitable for any occasion and event. Us customers should continue to support brands like Nike that prioritize innovation and positive impact. By choosing Nike for our footwear, we contribute to the legacy of the great brand. As I reflect on my journey with Nike, I am certain that its influence will continue for generations and generations to come. 

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