Open Letter to Wellness Influencers | Teen Ink

Open Letter to Wellness Influencers

June 13, 2024
By aerinsatovsky BRONZE, Port Washington, New York
aerinsatovsky BRONZE, Port Washington, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear wellness influencers,

Although we’ve never met, we are interconnected through the transformative world of social media. As we navigate an era dominated by rapidly spread misinformation and an increasing reliance on digital platforms, the content we share publicly carries immense weight. Your videos constantly appear on my TikTok and Instagram feeds, playing a significant role in shaping my health practices and dietary habits. Your work excites, inspires, and influences me. Motivated by your impact and driven by my own passion for nutrition, I’ve formed an Instagram platform offering simple swaps and healthy recommendations through graphics and images. It is our shared dedication to health and your undeniable growing impact that compels me to write to you today. 

I recognize and respect the significant role you play in educating and motivating people to lead healthier lives. Your efforts to promote your businesses while helping others are not only admirable but also essential in a society where health consciousness is increasingly vital. You rightly view your platforms as a means to express ideas, share successful personal health practices, and influence viewers. It is clear that your intentions are grounded in positivity and the desire to contribute meaningfully to your audiences' well-being. 

I deeply admire the primary causes you advocate for. You champion health, you champion vitality, and you champion positive change. However, amidst these efforts, it's crucial to champion a deeper awareness of how your messages resonate far beyond the screen. We must acknowledge that the impact of your content extends beyond mere views and likes; it has real effects on the lives of real people. 

While it's true that the ways in which individuals interpret and apply your advice is ultimately their own responsibility, it's necessary to be aware of its potentially harmful effects. I’m also mindful that the limited format of many social media outlets and the short attention spans of viewers places constraints on how nuanced your insights can be. Rebecca Hambright MS, RDN, a dietitian and nutrition therapist from Wise Heart Nutrition & Wellness describes in a Healthline article how the short format of TikTok videos often leads to oversimplified and moralized health messages. These messages are rapidly communicated and absorbed, potentially leading to misinformation. Such brief-natured content makes all TikTok creators inherently susceptible to misjudging the lasting effects of their posts on viewers. 

Hambright further explains how some influencers often prioritize simplicity to promote products or programs, thereby overshadowing the more nuanced and detailed nutritional advice that nutrition experts typically provide. In truth, Hambright fails to recognize that TikTok’s brevity makes it a space for you to express and entertain rather than provide nuance and detail. Those seeking expert advice should shy away from TikTok and stay conscious of its oversimplified nature. Nevertheless, the ways in which you promote products or businesses could potentially confuse viewers as they often introduce complex subjects in an oversimplified way.

As an influencer, it's not practical to share every facet of your life and habits with your audience. Therefore, the content you do choose to share tends to have a much greater impact. Consider the “body check,” often featured at the beginning of your “what I eat in a day” videos. While likely intended as a simple introduction, it may unintentionally suggest to viewers that they can achieve the same physique as you by simply following your diet. This assumption overlooks the complex interplay of genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle factors that influence one’s appearance and health. Research from the National Library of Medicine highlights that exposure to such image‐related content can contribute to greater body dissatisfaction and unhealthy eating behaviors such as restrictive or excessive eating. Recognizing the potential negative effects of our outreach can help us think more critically about what we present and how we present it, ensuring we uplift our audience rather than inadvertently breaking them down. 

Similarly, the concept of “clean” eating, which many of us promote with the best intentions, can have potential drawbacks. As Jessica Cording, a dietitian and health coach, discusses in a Shape article, the term “clean eating” can inadvertently foster comparisons around food choices, exacerbating body dissatisfaction, unhealthy eating habits, and negative self-perception. After considering the potentially harmful effects of promoting “clean” eating, which may reinforce narrow views of “right” and “wrong” eating behaviors, I am committed to reevaluating my content to ensure it fosters a more uplifting approach. Believe me when I say I understand the challenges you face. I understand that when promoting a “clean” diet you are seeking the opposite of the negative outcomes Cording points out. Navigating the complexities of dietary advice on social media is challenging, and, like you, I am constantly reflecting on the best ways to communicate my valuable message without harmful side effects. Given our shared commitment to enhancing our communities well-being, I am confident we can collaborate to create a more inclusive and positive environment surrounding health and nutrition on social media.

At this point you must be wondering why I in particular am driven to advocate for change. For many years, platforms such as TikTok and Instagram have been integral to my life, but only recently did the focus of the content shift. I am now constantly exposed to health-related videos that have shaped my perceptions and eating habits in both uplifting and troubling ways. These videos have illuminated the healing power of food, but they have also fostered a fear-filled mindset within me. While introducing me to delicious recipes, they simultaneously lead me to scrutinize whether the ingredients in my meals are “clean”. This content has undoubtedly contributed to my healthier lifestyle, but it has also eroded my carefree attitude, replacing it with anxiety and negative feelings towards food. I know that I am not alone in this experience. My anxieties manifest in more extreme forms among many of my peers and individuals worldwide, sometimes even contributing to eating disorders, body dysmorphia, anxiety, and other health issues. The dual impact of social media content, both promoting health awareness and inducing health-related anxieties, is why I advocate for a more mindful approach to the messages we share. 

We stand together in the middle of two opposing forces in the health and wellness community. On one side, there is a pressing need for quick, accessible information. On the other, there is a call for thorough, nuanced understanding. The tension between these forces can either damage our community or pave a new path toward a healthier discourse.

I propose a balanced approach where we continue to celebrate the positive influence of each other’s work but also embrace a higher degree of mindfulness about its broader implications. This could mean providing more context where possible, linking to detailed sources of information, or guiding viewers on how to interpret health advice in a way that is beneficial and not overwhelming. For instance, while it’s important to promote healthy eating habits, it might also be helpful to remind our audiences that balance is key, and that overly rigid dietary rules can lead to stress and anxiety about food. Such nuanced messaging could help mitigate the risk of misinformation and the pressure that can come from striving for an idealized version of health. 

Sharing personal health practices is a common and impactful part of being an influencer. While these insights can be incredibly valuable, it's important to clarify to viewers that what works for one person may not be suitable for everyone. As content creators, we have the opportunity to harness our platforms for positive outcomes and understanding. It's crucial for us to emphasize to our audiences that health advice is often individual specific. Further, encouraging them to consult with health professionals to tailor advice to their personal needs ensures that the guidance we offer is not only effective but also adapted to diverse health needs. 

Adopting this approach allows us to uphold our shared commitment to health and enhance our collective impact. I recognize the great potential of your platforms and encourage you to harness this power responsibly, working towards outcomes that align with our mutual aspirations for a healthier society.

Thank you for considering my perspective. I am optimistic that it will inspire us both to reevaluate our efforts, ensuring that they genuinely contribute to the health and happiness we champion.


Aerin S.

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