The Problem With Facebook | Teen Ink

The Problem With Facebook

May 13, 2011
By TomRanieri BRONZE, Commack, New York
TomRanieri BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever find yourself going on Facebook before you go to school, sleep or do your homework? I definitely have. Facebook is a fun social networking website where basically every teen has a page unless they in a way, living under a rock. I update my status every few hours and find myself writing on people’s walls and making videos every day. Is this a good thing? I for one am completely fine with it because I love to be connected with my friends and know how they are doing.
Some people feel like always knowing what somebody is doing and having pictures of them is a little risky. I keep my profile on private from others but still, it can lead to problems with peers by giving out too much personal information. Being on Facebook so much sometimes leads to giving away your cell phone number and address to complete strangers, which obviously, can lead to terrible consequences. Facebook is a fun website but if used way too much can lead to trouble.

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