Appearance . . Judging a book by its cover | Teen Ink

Appearance . . Judging a book by its cover

January 17, 2013
By Aaron Benjamin BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Aaron Benjamin BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I should begin by defining Appearance. Its what someone look’s like. Many people judge a book by it’s cover but its in our nature. When you think of appearance we think of how we look. I believe that our Appearance sets the stage of how people view us, and develop an image of who we are.

Many people believe that your appearance doesn't define who you are as a person, but not me. Appearance does define who you are as a person. You're representing yourself so you should look like how you are as a person. For example : Many people don't know how to dress or know what to wear. They say “ Should say should i wear this shirt with these shoes? what do you think that tells you about them? That there indecisive? Or that they don't know what they want to look like? But what about celebrities. How do they dress. For example : Rihanna, Sassy and beautiful, Has a great sense of fashion.
How you look when you first meet someone is associated with how people perceive you. If i was first meeting someone and they had the latest things that would tell me they're hip to the new trend.

50% of people are always going to judge you by the way you look. That just shows how important your appearance is. Shoes, Shirts, And accessories clutter my closet because i like to have a variety of clothes but also put a lot of effort into what i wear. That’s only because i'm representing myself. But the other 50% of people believe that you don't have to dress a certain way to represent yourself. My sister says “ why do i have to dress a certain way? I am who i am and what i wear doesn't change that. Which is a good point but if you think about it how you look when seeing someone that gives them a visual of who you are as a person.

Appearance sparks an initial attraction and connection. It could mean a lot to people but not to others. A survey taken by me shows that on 15 out of 40 students said yes appearance defines who you are as a person. While 25 said no. The students that checked off yes said that it’s a way of expressing yourself, A way of showing you to others. Many had the same response saying that you get treated a certain way because of the way you dress. But 1 person in particular said that appearance matters because of my clothes, Body shape, And other physical aspects of me can tell who i am a person. Which. I. Agree. With.

The other 25 students that said no believe that media defines the word beautiful which pressures others to put so much work into their appearance. Many had the same idea saying that you can look a certain way but have a completely different personality. An article shown by Jody Smith, A professional writer on beauty, says that many people feel pressured to look a certain way. One way is sleep. But most of all professionals think its a stereotype that you you should look a certain way to define who you as a person.

The author's comments:
Im very focused in my appearance which made me inspired to write about this.

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