Power of dreams..!!! | Teen Ink

Power of dreams..!!!

October 7, 2013
By Anonymous

This is my first article….I’m actually totally new to this writing world . it’s true that I love to throw my words, my feelings and my thought on paper but still I have never written something great before. But in my heart I always had the desire to write something, to publish my words and was just searching for the right platform. Today, we all have some dreams , some desires…..if I talk of myself, I live in a totally different world, I dream of being a princess , I want everything perfect, I dream of having the best dresees in my cupboard , I dream of visiting the chocolate world and fairyland…I dream of getting that fairy’s magic stick… I just wish I could get everything I want..I dream of becoming the most beautiful and prettiest girl of the world..Not only me, I think that every girl reading this must be wanting the same.But when we wake up and open our eyes , we find ourselves into a total different space. And then we realize that they were just and just dreams and those dreams don’t have the power to change the reality…we don’t even realize when we pass away with such dreams..Now, you all must be thinking that what’s the point behind all this. Should we stop dreaming..Na NEVER….Guys you know sometimes we know that the dream would never come true and is actually next to impossible, but still that dream has the power to bring that sweet smile on your face. But dreams is the only pathways that leads to success. It brings the voice from within which says “I can and I will…” . All great things in the world start with a dream. The size of our success will depend on the size of our dream. Dream gives us the courage, to overcome obstacles. It makes us achieve the impossible. Dream sets us apart from rest of the people. It is our dream that can make us great. But as we grow old, we face the harsh realities of life. We come to know about the limitations of our circumstances. We start knowing why something is impossible. And what is the first thing we do? We bury our dreams.
But the people who make it are the one who refuse to give up their dreams. They understand that their dream is the gift of God, and they cherish it. They are not ignorant of their circumstances but they believe in that if the Dreams are big enough, facts don’t count.
Fuelled with the power of dream, they take risks, face challenges, and rise above their circumstances. They achieve.
You can do it too.
Just get a dream.

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