More than Meets the Eye | Teen Ink

More than Meets the Eye

October 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Identity is more than a phone number, height, weight, social security number and street address. It is what makes a person who they are and what they are known for. I believe that Identity is made up of three different parts; how someone views themself, how someone wants others to view them and how others actually view that person.
If someone asked me to describe myself I would say I’m a cheerleader, a dancer, I have blonde hair and brown eyes. If someone asks me to give a truthful view of myself I would give an answer but it would not be one hundred percent truthful. There are certain things that are better off left unsaid. I choose what I want to share with people and believe me when I say there is more to me than meets the eye.
My natural hair color is dark brown. When I was younger my hair was blonde but over time it stated to darken as I grew older so I changed it to make it blonde again. I didn’t like the way I looked and I still don’t to this day like the way I look with brown hair because I’m very self-conscious on how I look and I personally think it does not look good.
This is only one example of what I guess you could call my “hidden” identity contains and the rest is going to stay confidential. That is why I can’t truthfully tell someone how I view myself because I know things about myself that they probably don’t and will never know.
I know I can speak for myself and a lot of other girls when I say I would be lying if I said I don’t care what other people think about me. I want people to think about me in a positive way because no one wants to be thought of in a negative way. I know that sometime in my life I am going to come across a person or maybe even a group of people who will not like me. That is expected with being human so that’s why when I meet a new person I try to show myself in a positive way.
When a person’s name is said some sort of description comes to mind like “she’s nice” or “he’s mean” or “she’s pretty”. This description is based off seeing a person in a class for 50 minutes a day, passing someone in the hallway, being friends on Facebook or being best friends in real life. A complete stranger can notice any physical appearance or vibe that radiates off of a person when they enter a room. The stranger can then tell a sliver of a person’s identity and think positive or negative thoughts about that person. My best friend’s thoughts about me and my identity are going to be different than someone who I have never had a real conversation with before.
Identity defines a person for whom they really are based on how a person views themself and how a person is actually viewed by others. Identity is more than what is just stated on a driver’s license and who a person is should not be just a number. There is always another side to a person that does not meet the naked eye.

The author's comments:
You think you know someone but there is more than meets the eye...

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