Technology In Our Lives | Teen Ink

Technology In Our Lives

February 26, 2014
By Bethany Nelson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Bethany Nelson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As Mark Kennedy once said, "The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them." Kennedy, an american businessman and republican party politician; said that to explain that in his opinion, technology is a good thing. Technology does so much more good for society. Many professionals say that technology is taking over society, that may carry a little truth to it, but our country would not be where we are today without technology. To be a better society we need technology for schools, jobs, and our news and entertainment.

First, technology is needed for schools to work properly. Most of the assignments we do, or tests that we take are done with a computer. We need the internet to do research for papers or speeches. Lacking sites like Google docs or Microsoft word, we wouldn't be able to finish projects to our best capability. In my science class we do a lot of online experiments. They are convenient because sometimes we don't have the resources to do them for real. Another way some schools use technology is parents and students having access to the grade book online. Cannon Falls is not the only school that has an online campus. Shireland Collegiate Academy in the United Kingdom has a family portal where families can check grades and attendance. “The management of new technology is becoming an increasingly important issue for school leaders” says SCA teacher Gerald Haigh. It’s sometimes tough to figure out all of the technology, but once people learn, it is much easier. Not only do schools need technology to function, news programs do as well.

Next, technology is used a lot in news and entertainment. Years ago when the United States was just starting out people lived very far apart. To get the news people would have to write letters, or wait for newspapers to be written. With all of the new technology, information is at your fingertips and getting the news is much easier. Most news reporters and news television networks would not function without the newer technology. As stated by KSTP (5 Eyewitness News) they use weather and traffic maps and lots of other bigger machines to make sure they get a very truthful weather report. Without all of those tools they could mistake the weather or traffic, and have big problem. Technology also helped society create more entertainment. In the last few years Apple, Windows, etc. have came out with lots of new gadgets that are entertainment for people of all ages. There is technology for everyone, whether it’s an iPod nano or an iPhone. Tons of communication would be stopped if we did not have phones, or email. Many’s peoples favorite kind of entertainment technology are movies. Without technology we would not be able to watch movies or any television programs, and I think a slim amount people would be very happy with that.

Lastly, technology is often used in citizens every day jobs. There is not one job I can think of that does not use technology. A great deal of businesses use technology to get there business out there, and to get people talking about it. Everyday more & more business owners are logging on to social medias to sell their products. For example businesses can post a picture on Facebook or send a tweet to inform their customers of new sales or deals. But in order for their advertisement to be successful they should choose who to target as a customer. Nate Elliott, a principal analyst with Forrester Research who helps companies develop interactive marketing strategies; once said “ to transform online advertising into more money, business owners need to study their customers’ social behaviors. Some customers might spend time on Facebook, others might spend more time reading email.” If a customer spent time on facebook, they would more likely see an advertisement on facebook rather than getting emails or seeing tweets. That is a big reason of how ceo’s make more money for their company.

Many people say technology is taking over, those people might have technology addictions, but it is not taking over our lives. Technology does more good, than bad in our society. It makes schools, news and entertainment, and jobs better. Like Mark Kennedy said, "The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.” It teaches us that sometimes people need a little more help from technology because we can’t always do everything on our own. If you're one of those people who are against technology ask yourself the question, “Without technology where would we be right now?”

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 4 2014 at 9:30 am
Amandaa_126 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Hiiii Bethy Lynnnnnn

Alison said...
on Feb. 28 2014 at 11:41 am
Bethany what an amazing article you have written.  Nice job!