Just Because It’s Very Addicting Doesn’t Mean It’s Always Interesting | Teen Ink

Just Because It’s Very Addicting Doesn’t Mean It’s Always Interesting

February 25, 2014
By sunshine_3223 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
sunshine_3223 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Because, our limbic system is craving for rewards, pleasure, acceptance and expansion through mind."

Why are we addicted to social media? "Because, our limbic system is craving for rewards, pleasure, acceptance and expansion through mind." (Saurabh Sharma, Senior Recruitment Executive at Winfort) Addiction to social media. Why does it happen? Who does it happen to?

To start, in order to identify people who are addicted to social media, you will notice they most likely are people who are always by themselves, have no friends, or who are always shutting other people out of their lives. Cruz (2013) says, "I have found that people who are always in front of computers are often likely to be shy in person." This quote shows that the common type of person to be addicted to social media is someone who is shy. It's not saying that only shy people can be addicted, it's saying that they are the most common type of people to be addicted.

Another reason why people are addicted to social media is because they say it makes them feel more alive and more confident about themselves. According to Common Sense Media, "29% of social networking users believe that social networking makes them feel more outgoing… 15% say it makes them feel better about themselves." This quote shows that people say that social media makes them feel better about themselves. By that people are basically saying that being on the computer on social media networks makes them feel superior. Social media makes them feel like they have more confidence in themselves. It makes them feel outgoing. It helps them take risks. Social Media also make them brave.

To end, the last reason people might be addicted to social media is, because people say that it makes them feel less melancholy. Common Sense Media shows a percentage of what people say social media makes them feel. “10% say it makes them feel less depressed (vs. 5% who say more).” These facts give clear examples of people who are addicted to social media telling a reason why they are addicted. Not only does this quote give a reason for why people are addicted but it also gives a reason for why people should stop going on social media. Why? Because some people say it makes them feel more depressed. But just because it makes them feel depressed doesn’t mean that they won’t stop going on it.

In conclusion, there are many reasons for addiction to social media. For example, for someone who is shy, it makes them feel bold, makes them feel outgoing and makes them feel less stressed. Why are we addicted to social media? We are addicted for many reason, but the main one is because it's a stepping stone into the real social world. But now that they are on social media it has helped them see that there are better things out in the world for them to experience. Instead of going on social media just join the real world.

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