The Future is here | Teen Ink

The Future is here

February 26, 2014
By MJBowen BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MJBowen BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take

The future is here!!! As the future I mean Google Glass and how it will be taking over as phones, glasses, and maybe even the world! I’m going to be talking about how the Google Glass is going to be helpful for people that need prescribed glasses, how the special forces need to find something or someone with them, and how the doctors will be very pleased with this product.

First off im going to talk about the prescription lenses in the Google Glass and how they can change the way people see and do things, well that is if they are in a place that actually allows them to be worn. These lenses are going to be very helpful because if you had glasses and wanted to have a Google Glass then you would have to wear contacts to see the screen clearly. The point of having glasses is to not wear contacts. The only down side as of right now is that they are banned in some places like movie theaters and you couldn't even wear them on the road because its considered a phone as well as glasses. When they are in action with some serious things like firefighters or police they could actually use the product without being stopped and still be legal because of their emergency situation. It has been good and bad for the special forces.

A firefighter was chosen to test Google Glass at his work. There were a lot of good things that it was used for. One of the things it was good for is the navigation system inside the glasses. This was helpful because when you're in an emergency you have to go fast and you have a map literally right in front of your eyes. Another thing on the upside to this product is the multitasking abilities like when you're looking at the navigation system you can talk to the person you need to talk to while having two hands on the wheel and still looking at the road with complete focus on where to go and fast. A downside to the Google Glass in the special forces was that it has a chance of melting and the heat might get to the glasses and make them not work the proper way they should. They can also be used for doctors just as good as firefighters!

The Doctors using Google Glass have made it work for them with a great amount of success. A few of the things that they do with it is use it when doing surgery. This is helpful because if the patient had a tumor they would be able to see the exact size of the tumor through the glasses. Another plus is that they can just look through the glasses and see the x rays instead of putting their head up every few minutes or taking their eyes off the patient to see their heart rate or something like that. This could be a serious problem because if you have to lift your head up for even just a second, you're taking your eyes off the patient and someones life is at risk when you're doing surgery for some people. Its all on the glasses now instead so they don't have to put somebody's life at risk for sort of thing. When the patient has family waiting in the waiting room they can talk to them through the Glass and update them on how the patient is doing.

This is why the Google Glass is going to change the way they do things in the way glasses have been for years with a phone a gps, internet, and many other things right in front of your face all the time. The prescription glasses, Special Forces, and Doctors are going to be the future of the glasses.

The author's comments:
This is about the way of the future using Googlwe Glass

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