A Mysterious Death | Teen Ink

A Mysterious Death

May 20, 2014
By Anonymous

“Americans eat nearly fifty billion burgers a year, which translates to three burgers a week per each person in the United States” (Schlosser). As we progress through our day, fast food isn’t a judgment we stress over when it comes to eating. It’s just the most convenient choice available for our appetite. Even though that McDonalds’ food is fast, it tastes good, and it is suitable when you lack time to cook; McDonalds’ customers must reduce the quantity of burgers they consume throughout the year because it causes major health problems and the food contains toxic ingredients that leads to an addiction.

Consuming numerous amounts of McDonalds’ food can cause major health problems, such as: heart diseases, diabetes, strokes, and cancer. When consuming the meal, you may not notice, but the food you are enjoying is weakening your immune system. Therefore, the risk of you being vulnerable to “…a heart disease increases by 50%.” Did you know 600,000 people die from heart disease, and 720,000 Americans die from a heart attack annually (Center for Disease Control)? Another health problem that kills you rapidly is a stroke, which is caused by a large amount of your important brain cells dying. I know you’re questioning; how McDonalds can kill your brain cells? As the meal begins to progress through your body, some ingredients are not being digested. The reason for this could be that: the ingredients are too strong for your digestive system, or that the chemicals are slipping into your blood stream which slows the flow of your blood which decreases the amount of blood flowing towards your brain. When your blood stream begins to clog, your brain cells that normally receives the rightful amount of blood would eventually start to be deprived of blood then begin to die. With a lack of blood flow to your brain, can trigger a stroke depending on which side of your brain that lacks your important brain cells.

As we eat McDonalds’ burgers, we don’t even realize what is actually going in our body. The foods from McDonalds that goes in our body, contain toxic ingredients that deep within have chemicals that manipulate our brain to have an addiction. Many addictions occur when we are. Meaning, when we are: sad, depressed, miserable, hopeless, ashamed, bored, insecure, disappointed, stressed, and lonesome. We use food to pleasure our emotional heath, which leads to an addiction. Like how McDonalds does because of such chemicals it contains.

Chemicals in McDonalds’, performance and manipulate our brain to process the chemical to pass as serotonin. That leaves us with a happy jittery feeling after. This is mostly the cause of the serotonin in our body, or the chemicals functioning as serotonin. Serotonin is the administrator of our emotions, appetite, sleep, memory, and our ability to learn. About most of our serotonin is located in our gut which is about 90% (Wikipedia). Which is one of the reasons why we can easily crave an addiction for McDonalds.

The beauty of McDonalds is, that the food is fast, it taste good, and it is suitable when you lack time to cook. For most families cooking every night is not the most affordable thing. Eating out mostly occurs with families whom household ranges from five or more members. The weekly cost of feeding an average family of four, ranges in the price of $146 to $289 per week (USA Today). If you ate at McDonalds instead of cooking regularly, you could save about up to $289 per week. This extra money can assist many families in some areas they lack money, such as the utility bills. This advantage of eating at McDonalds is reasonable because some families already struggle to make ends meet. Therefore, cutting back on cooking every day is a gigantic leap forward and a huge weight off of many families’ shoulders because many families may not be financially strong like others.

I conclude, that McDonalds should not be eaten a numerous amount of times in a short period because although the food is prepared fast, it taste good, and it is also suitable when you do not have time to cook; McDonalds’ meals and beverages can cause major health problems and the food contains toxic ingredients, which can lead to an addiction to the food. McDonalds is a two way street, that is worthy and unsuitable. The meal of McDonalds is not something we should have a craving for weekly, because as you now know, it can lead to a painful and difficult life. The meal and beverages could be painful because of all the struggle and stressful issues it leads to. It also can be good because it’s affordable for some families who have a hard time making ends meet. Plus some people flat out can’t cook even with a decent amount of effort or assistance. A solution for this problem is that we all can change our diet to a healthy meal per week and consume McDonalds once in a while. This process will not only decrease our obsession to McDonalds, but will reduce the risk of all the health problems McDonalds’ food causes to our body.

The author's comments:
My 8th grade Language Arts teacher inspired me to write this piece because she loves McDonalds. She eats it every single day to the point where I assume she has an addiction for everything that associate with McDonalds. Her family, I and some people in the class was trying to convince her to reduce the amount that she consumes per week. Therefore, I wrote this piece because of her inspiring me. I hope several people who read this, and hopefully take into consideration and reduce their diet of McDonalds

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