The Poison Well | Teen Ink

The Poison Well

January 15, 2015
By Jovara BRONZE, Oceanside, California
Jovara BRONZE, Oceanside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my eyes the root of all problems in society sprout from media. This place of free speech is a well. Celebrities are worshiped and people are put into their own group based on what others think of them. If they do not adhere to this group they are labeled outsiders and enemy's of society or even haters when the hate pours from the mouth of the accuser. This hate is because they do not adhere to their "group". The Internet is a place of freedom and should encourage and support people who have an opinion that isn't just hate against someone or an idea or religion. The media should be constantly molding and evolving rather than adhering to the popular culture. The thing with freedom is that there will always be someone who opposes you and your thoughts and personality so I encourage you not to be afraid.

People call it liberal media because the well has been poisoned, slandering the names of those who speak the truth. They do this because they are afraid that the truth will take their influence and power. Chances are that if you ask someone why they hate someone they won't have anything other than a pre dictated speech they found online about it. Accusations should be of your own mind and words. Do your research and make your own ideas about something and you'll be surprised at your conclusion. Just because you hear something doesn't make it true. Find out the truth for yourself.

Weather you make sense of this or not is up to you. I want you to remember one thing however. Never follow the popular path or band wagon just because there's more people. Do your own research and figure out if it aligns with what you believe first. Love it hate it feel how you wish and don't be afraid to say it then because you are validated in your research. Empty words won't accomplish what you want so don't waste your breath. Be smart and be yourself, not who the world says you should be.

The author's comments:

say what you will about my opinion but know that i own it. 

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