Pop Culture | Teen Ink

Pop Culture

February 8, 2016
By Anonymous

Pop culture plays an enormous role in our world today.  Everywhere you look, there is something about pop culture, whether it’s a celebrity, a brand, an app, a song, something new always coming up.  We encounter things relating to pop culture without even realizing it.  Certain people like this about our world today, while others simply cannot stand it.  Although some individuals do not like pop culture, there is no stopping it in our world today. 

The world of pop culture is something that is important in our modern society.  The first reason is, it can help spread news faster.  If there is important information to spread, there are now one thousand ways to do so.  With these ways, information can reach across the world with one press of a button.   This is a huge benefit in certain situations.  Another reason it is very beneficial is that we now have so many more ways to access certain things.  For example, listening to music.  Rather than only being about to buy albums or songs from iTunes, there are now many ways to listen to music.  Now not only do you have to buy each and every song or album, but also you can pay a monthly fee to have access to any song you want at anytime.  The same is true for TV shows and movies.  Now you don’t have to go to blockbuster, or wait to watch a movie till it airs on television, but now you have access to almost any TV show or movie whenever you want.  Those are just a few of the many examples of pop cultures positive impact on our society today.

Although it can be very good, pop culture can also be very dangerous in our society today.  While it has quickened our communication by a lot, this quickness can be very bad in certain situations.  People now have ways to bully people, threaten people, and just make information public that should be kept private.  This can hurt the lives of many people, especially if certain rumors start to spread about something involving them.  Also pop culture makes it very easy for people, especially those in their teens to make dumb decisions that can lead to big consequences.  Since you can post pictures or videos almost anywhere, it is very easy to catch someone drinking or doing drugs, or even sending nude pictures to other people online.  When the wrong person sees these pictures,  is when people get into trouble.  Another bad thing about pop culture is it really takes a toll on the lives of the people that are involved in it, the celebrities.  When people become so obsessed with the lives of celebrities, it puts a lot of pressure on them to be perfect people, which is ultimately unachievable.  Because of this pressure and publicity, celebrities are often unhappy despite what the public may think.  It can be very sad the way their lives end up due to the importance of pop culture in the modern world. 

I believe that pop culture is important in our society today.  It all depends on how you use it.  If you use the advantages in the way that they are intended to be used, then pop culture is a great thing in our modern world.  It provides us with entertainment, and technology that is new and always improving.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because of the discussions that we had recently been having in my AP english class. 

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