Greenie to Runner | Teen Ink

Greenie to Runner

March 2, 2016
By danielsholing SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
danielsholing SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine waking up in a wire cage. like an animal, and not being able to remember your name or anything about your life?  The sky is super bright and you are scared and then someone helps you out of the cage and calls you a greenie.  You are super afraid and not for sure if these people are your friends or your enemies.  Then you realize you are on a piece of land with tall metal walls surrounding the place like a jail.  Great, you are thinking, what did you do to be put in a place like this.   I really enjoyed the movie Maze Runner, but there are a few things that I would change that I think would make the movie better.  First, I would make sure the last person sent up in the elevator would be a boy instead of a girl.  Second, the boys should realize that Thomas is super quick, eager to learn and a natural leader for their group.  Third,  Thomas and Minho should have been the runners from the beginning.  By changing these three things in the story, I feel the movie would be much more enjoyable.

  By sending up a girl, this was the wrong decision for WICKED.  For some reason, it makes me think that they only sent her so they can have kids since they believe they will be stuck in the maze forever.  I think that sending another boy to the island could be helpful for Thomas.  The new boy could work with him and be a part of the team to get out of the maze.  I think WICKED just sent a girl into camp to mess the boys up because they were getting too far in the maze and figuring things out too quick and they wanted to slow them down. 

Also I feel instead of fighting Thomas in the beginning when it came to leadership abilities, they should have realized he was a quick learner and a strong leader.  Some of the boys were tired and scared, but now there was a new guy that was fast and a quick thinker and not too scared to get the job done.  He should not have needed to fight Gally to gain their respect.  Instead of trying to make Thomas go through all the steps everyone else had to, to move up the ladder, they should have listened to Thomas and let him lead as soon as he could and create change that was needed in the group.

Another change that I would like to see is for Thomas to become the main runner with Minho right away.  The two personalities seem to compliment each other. They are both super athletic and are quick thinkers.  When these two work together they are amazing runners and together they make a great team.  Minho is very smart and even made a map of the things they remembered from each maze run he had done.  While Thomas figured out way earlier than anyone else that the maze was coming for them.  Even as problems arise they both think outside the box and work great under pressure.  When a good team works together, everyone achieves more.

From starting out in a cage, to being the leader of the group, Thomas has developed into an exciting character all the way through the movie. There are still a few things I would change though. This would include changing the boy from a girl in the elevator, making Thomas a leader of the group, and by having Minho and Thomas be the main runners.  Together the group can tackle the maze and get through it with less effort cause soon they will need energy for the Scorch Trials.

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