Narcissism | Teen Ink


June 5, 2016
By Anonymous

It’s 2016 and actual personal interaction is disappearing. Without actual interaction (thank you internet!) we’re losing the idea that not everything is perfect, including ourselves. In a real conversation, you can see every movement, twitch, and blink, but online we lose all of that. It’s not about a quality conversation anymore, it’s about how many conversations you can have. This is the root of this generation’s narcissism.

We have Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, and each one let’s you create the image of yourself that you want. Nowadays we don't base ourselves off of how we act in front of people, or how genuinely admired we are, we base it off the little snippets we put online, and how many likes we get. Social Media sites are like the nymph in the story Narcissus and Echo. These sites make us love ourselves. We use filter after filter, and take selfie after selfie, knowing that if we get a perfect one, we can get others to love us too. We then justify our photo by how many likes we get, and that’s all that matters.

The idea of being loved, changes how we see one another. Every like a person gets boosts their self esteem, making them feel more important, pulling them closer and closer to the silver stream, that will soon be the doom of them. With every follow, our pedestal that we are sitting on gets higher and higher, until we so far up in the clouds we can’t see reality. Reality eventually strikes, leading to depression, and envy of other people. It’s a glorious circle, with ups and downs. You may love yourself one day, but the next not so much. The Circle of Life may have meant something different 20 years ago, but that’s definitely what it means now.

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