Homecoming Disaster | Teen Ink

Homecoming Disaster

May 2, 2018
By leiaboudreaux BRONZE, Waggaman, Louisiana
leiaboudreaux BRONZE, Waggaman, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If one must go shopping for a homecoming dress, they will soon understand the struggle of finding a dress that meets the requirements of the school’s dress code. Dress codes for Catholic schools are generally very conservative, and today, it can be especially difficult to find a dress that accommodates the needs of the dress code that is still cute. Now, I understand that schools have set dress codes that will not be changed, but there is still a way to fix this problem. Instead of going to the school board about this situation, one could try going to the owners of the stores that sell the dresses. A problem that can be solved for teen girls today would be the lack of cute, but still considered appropriate, formal dresses.

When the time comes for boys to start asking girls to their dances, the dresses sell out quickly. This is because girls know that in order to get a dress that is both pretty and appropriate, they must look for one right away because there are not many. The stores that sell these dresses all have one goal: to make money. In order to make money, they try to sell dresses that people want to buy, which are the dresses that keep up with today’s trends. One can easily see that modest clothing is not exactly considered the most “trendy”. However, I feel as though if the point was brought up that the owners of these stores could be making more money by selling more cute and modest pieces, then they may consider. They would make more money selling both modest and modern clothes because they would attract more customers. I feel as though we could put this into action by signing a petition in order to get the attention of the sellers. If we got a significant amount of signatures, the people selling and making these dresses could begin to realize just how many people there really are that would buy dresses from them if the stores have more of a variety in dresses that are more conservative.

Finding a both stunning and appropriate dress for a dance is a huge struggle that many girls can relate to. While it would be a challenge to persuade vendors and designers to sell and make more dresses that fit the requirements of the Catholic school dress codes, it would not be impossible. I feel as though a petition with a significant amount of signatures would be a great start into persuading them because it will show the owners of the stores the large amount of people that would spend their money money at these stores if they had dresses that fit the requirements of the school.

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