Schools | Teen Ink


May 13, 2019
By willbittman BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
willbittman BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
2 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
water, yea !!

Out of all of the significant issues currently in the world, one the most that I care for is the  school system and mental health of students. Nowadays, many students feel stressed and pressured by school. A lot of times, this could lead to anxiety, depression, drug use, or unfortunately, sometimes suicide. Also, social media doesn't improve the situation. The pressure from both of these and the indifference of the schools could lead to very bad results. I personally haven't experienced much of this, and I consider myself very lucky. It's essential that more schools implement a solution to this problem. School should be a much more pleasant atmosphere. It's a privalage to be able to come to school and get an education, therefore it should feel that way. Students should wake up and be excited to come to school, not dreading it. Schools need to focus on the more important problems like sutdent mental health, not what you're wearing.

The author's comments:

cool guy and like doggie !!


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