School Four Times A Week | Teen Ink

School Four Times A Week

June 2, 2022
By BrahimSejdiu SILVER, Tirana, Other
BrahimSejdiu SILVER, Tirana, Other
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Having school four times a week will be the best change in the school system's history. For so many years there has been one school system that people are following. Many things in the world have changed and evolved except the school system. For over 200 hundred years it has been the same, a change is needed.  

It is said by many sources that less school time is better for the students and the teachers. It provides them with more rest, a less stressful environment, and more time to enjoy life. For example, it is said by ID Tech that "Benefits of shorter school days for kids and teens. Naturally, there are countless factors that go into determining the right length and format of a school day, along with the right amount of homework for kids and the myriad of other important issues in the education world.” It also goes without saying that every student is unique and will have different educational and developmental needs. It’s even more worthwhile to examine the potential benefits of a shorter school day and what that could mean for how kids and teens spend their time! 

It also develops good mental health and gives students more time to focus on their homework and daily life. To spend more time with family, with their grandparents, themselves, and to go out occasionally and get some fresh air, instead of being glued to a screen 24/7 around four walls in class.  This also has a lot to do with anxiety and stress. Students spent almost 75 percent of their school time stressing about classes, and homework. It is said by Oxford Learning, that” Students with busy schedules can quickly become overwhelmed because they are left with no free time to relax. As your child progresses from elementary school to high school, the amount and difficulty level of schoolwork increases—and students without good time management skills can experience even more stress.” 

Having less school in a week, I think is a good change for the school system. It really gives not only the students, but as well as allows the teachers more time to do other things rather than school and homework, and to create a healthy balance in life. This change should have been made years ago, and if it was, the students would become more motivated and relaxed at school, and probably even have better grades, and more importantly a better life. Because they would start to see school as a good place to be, and not like a building with four walls.  
Works Cited 
“11 Common Causes of School Stress for Students.” Oxford Learning, Oxford Learning , 28 May 2021, 
Virginia, Virginia. “6 Benefits of Shorter School Days: Should There Be a Change?” ID Tech, 21 Oct. 2021, Accessed 2 April 2022. 


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