Uniforms for Students | Teen Ink

Uniforms for Students

September 3, 2010
By Emocookie SILVER, Thornton, Colorado
Emocookie SILVER, Thornton, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
...O.o? Hehe I dun has one! >XD

Chelsea Huerta

Our every day life consists of demanding jobs that require the average person to give work their all in effort. It also demands a person to be well-kept and tidy. Some schools are beginning to apply such requirements to their criteria. We only have so much time as children to enjoy what we wear before we become adults and join the life of bills and careers.

As children, we have approximately 20 years to express our emotions and personality through clothing. After our two decades, we work full-time jobs that are either of our interest or needed to supply us with our necessities. A whopping 80 percent of today’s employment requires a spic-and-span formal wear opposed to the 20 percent that allows casual wear while working.

Many people believe that you save money when your child attends a public school that requires uniform. This is no definite fact. As students and children, we prefer to wear what we enjoy instead of the enforced formal wear on a daily basis. We do not usually save time or money by purchasing uniforms. Children do not usually wear their uniform outside of school as the rest of society does not require or demand such. Hence, adults and parents spend more money on uniforms for their student because they need to purchase summer clothes for their child.

If the child, however, attended a public school that did not require uniform, the parent would save more money because the student has the ability to wear their summer clothes during the winter such as shirts or in tropical climates, shorts and capris. Yes, the adult may need to buy their child a few pairs of pants but they are well worn to the end of the year as they are needed to keep the child warm.

Employees of school districts requiring uniform waste much more time reprimanding students to follow the dress code, therefore, also wasting the student’s time, the teachers’, and the education of the student. This much time would not be wasted for such a large amount of people if a dress code was not enforced in a public school. As the students are being reprimanded for not adhering to the dress code, the teachers waste the other students’ education time as the students are dependant on the teacher for their education.

Although there are upsides to the dress code, there are few. Local students attending different schools do not look as educated as the uniforms look more professional. Uniforms are a little less distracting by the fact that they are so plain and bland. Time is used for other things that are more important like eating breakfast instead of the attention of the student being focused on the latest trend and style. The uniforms are also adjusting the students to the world of careers and getting them used to wearing formal clothing.

Uniforms should not be intended for children or teenagers that are not currently employed in a professionalized community. There are also many more reasons to be against a dress code than to be for it as there are very few reasons to prohibit formal wear casually throughout the school day. Henceforth, uniforms should be for persons in a career or professional workforce as the furthest extent.

The author's comments:
It's simply a school assignment.


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