Hat Privilages | Teen Ink

Hat Privilages

January 17, 2013
By MimaM BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
MimaM BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I say yes for hats.

People should be able to wear hat in school if they feel as though their hat completes themselves. Hats were made for reason however, that reason isn't for a hat to be refrained from wearing in school. Hats, a shaped covering for the head, are made to be worn on heads and not to be enclosed in backpacks.

Hats make everything fun! Even science class because with a hat, people are unstoppable. That kind of power can’t generate someone if it’s stuck suffocating, choking, and decaying in a stuffed locker (or backpack).

Hats can also be an inspiration. A hat can inspire students to be artistic, unique, or weird. By just seeing someone’s hat, you can already tell what type of person someone might be. They might be psychotic, stylish, or a “go with the flow” kind of guy. People would know that by a hat because hats show personality traits and are very sentimental to kids, it’s not fair for schools to just take that away.

I’m not saying that teachers shouldn't say anything if a hat is inappropriate. I’m saying that hats are not a big deal. If teachers are willing to make a compromise, it will be something along the lines of, “Inappropriate hats, huge hoods, and tall hats will be tolerated. Other types of hats will be allowed to be worn in school.” Schools should have a compromise. It’ll be a great way for teachers and students to work together and agree on something they both can follow. Having an agreement is better than teachers telling their students to take their hat off every 10 minutes. Isn't school where students have a little freedom away from their parents anyways? Might as well let them live.

According to Ms.Sanchez, my assistant principal, the no-hat policy is mostly about respect. She states that when she grew up, hats and/or hoods were not allowed when having dinner and were very disrespectful in restaurants. Ms. Sanchez states, “I want children to be respectful to adults and to do that, I have to teach them that there are appropriate and an inappropriate times to wear a hat and I try to teach these students when those times are.” This is stating that kids need to have discipline in a sense of right times to wear hats. Ms. Sanchez knows that wearing hats could lead to worse things happening but she believes that in Rindge Ave Upper School, where Ms. Sanchez teaches, the no - hat policy is mostly about respect and all the other foolishness doesn't happen in her school.

In reality, hats don’t cause more distractions than any other piece of clothing. The attention directed toward hats comes from the people enforcing the policy. If hats were allowed and not constantly highlighted, people wouldn't notice them. The policy was introduced as a sign of respect in the 60?s but now, the no-hat policy has become outdated and irrelevant since then. A simple baseball cap or beanie isn't more distracting than right red spirit shirts, giant letter jackets or revealing clothes that fit within dress code.

Teachers and students points of reasoning are very different from each other and it’s not fair that teachers get to have their way.

Having a bad hair day? What can you cover it up with that is still stylish?
Have a cute outfit and your cute hat ties it all together?
Can’t wear it.
Have you ever felt as though your hat is your best friend? Keeps you warm and is just a pleasure to have?
I’m sorry, but you can’t wear it in school.
Hats are all but a sweet memory in school now-a-days.

Mostly everyone has had something that they loved taken away from them. It didn't feel too good. It felt as if society didn't want us to have the thing we cared for most. It was devastating. Why do parents and kids give school so much authority that they can do that? Hat’s complete people. Fills their empty space. How dare school policies take that away?


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