Tool For Boredom | Teen Ink

Tool For Boredom

January 17, 2013
By MrPoopPants BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
MrPoopPants BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
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What if you went to your kids room and it was dinner time. The kid was because doing homework. Your kid stays up all night doing homework doing homework. You tell the teacher to stop giving so much homework. Teacher says that will not be fare of the other kids. So the kid doesn’t have enough time to spend time with family does more work than anyone. One to three hours a day and working on project. SO ask yourself this WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF HOMEWORK.
Rabbi Shmuley says the point of doing homework is to get children to show initiative and help them absorb their lessons. These objectives can be met with 90 minutes of schoolwork a night, but when homework exceeds two or three hours a night, it begins to encroach on family life and a child's well-being. Children become overworked and detached from their family and begin to hate school. "All pursuit of knowledge becomes a chore, a burden.
They include children’s frustration and exhaustion, lack of time for other activities,
and possible loss of interest in learning. Many parents lament the impact of homework on their relationship with their children they may also resent having to play the role of enforcer and worry that they will be criticized either for not being involved enough with the homework or for becoming too involved.
After spending most of the day in school, children are typically given additional assignments to be completed at home. This is a rather curious fact when you stop to think about it, but not as curious as the fact that few people ever stop to think about it.
Homework was keeps kids away from their family. Homework was made to the kids won’t see what happens in the outside world. So kids never get the time to do other things for fun.
Is there a purpose of homework?

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