Lets Stop Senior Dropout | Teen Ink

Lets Stop Senior Dropout

April 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Let’s Stop Senior Dropout
High school dropouts have gone down in the past decade but not enough. The United States was #1 in 1970 for high school dropouts, and now is #21. Still this means only seven out of ten high school students will dropout before the end of their senior year. Just think if we could get 700,000 seniors to graduate in a year then that is half of what would have previously dropout in the last year. Do you know the expense of a high school dropout? Well, it actually cost more for students to drop out then if they were to stay in school and graduate with their class. You may hear that dropping out is the higher, but it cost the school more than the average parent. If you don’t believe me then you can check for yourself at The True Cost of High School Dropouts.
If you graduate from high school, then on average you will earn from 50% to 100% more, than if you was to dropout. This also means that you will be less likely to draw health care and other public services. You will have to pay more taxes, but now you can help the economy grow and not make the economy help you to grow. Could you not benefit from helping others out? The average dropout only makes about $20,241 a year; this is at least $10,386 less than someone who graduated from high school.

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