Corporal Punishment in School | Teen Ink

Corporal Punishment in School

May 21, 2014
By stephany briceno BRONZE, Indianapoils, Indiana
stephany briceno BRONZE, Indianapoils, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Corporal punishment can turn into serious physical abuse” (Gender Research & Advocacy Project).

I’m interested in this topic because corporal punishment in schools is still used today all around the globe. Even though some feel students need disciplined physically to make them behave, corporal punishment should not be allowed in schools because some adults may abuse the students and it could lead students toward a violent life.

Some teachers may abuse their authority. In Texas “two parents complained their daughter had been beaten hard enough to cause bruises and burn-like redness on her skin” ( Teachers and coaches sometimes directly pressure students not to tell parents about beatings. For instance, student athletes, for whom paddling can be a routine part of their training, might keep the abuse from their parents. One recent high school graduate noted, "For boys in the football program, they get licks without telling the parents. The coach would give them a choice-take your licks and we won't call your parents or we'll drop your grade and your parents will find out. It's your choice; it's up to you “ (Human Rights Watch). Some teachers may hold grudges against the students because they might
A mother of a student with autism reported that her son's behavior changed after he was struck in his Florida school: "He's an avoider by nature, before he was never aggressive. Now, he struggles with have done or said something rude in the past.
Corporal punishment could lead students toward a violent life.

anger; right after the incidents he'd have anger explosions" (Laura W. Murphy).” The prevalent use of physical violence against students creates an overall threatening school atmosphere that impacts students' ability to perform academically. Often, children who experience or witness physical violence will develop disruptive and violent behaviors, further disturbing their classmates' learning as well as their own” (Corporal Punishment in Schools and Its Effect on Academic Success” Joint HRW/ACLU Statement).

Some students need discipline physically to make them behave. I strongly disagree; Corporal punishment should be an option. It could harm children with genuine behavioral disorders or other serious disabilities. It also might “Decreases self-esteem”, and “Increases anxiety and fear” (American Humane It may stop the behavior in the short term, but it does not teach kids why what they did was wrong, and it doesn't help kids understand what they should do differently the next time. (Lee)

Every child deserves the opportunity to go to school without fear or feeling unsafe. Schools should only be reasonable for their children’s protection, well-being and of course education. There are many ways to handle bad behavior other than physically or serious emotional behavior. There are a lot different ways to deal with bad behavior such as take away valuable items, time out, Ground them of not going out for however many days you decide.

American Humane Stop child abuse. 28 January 2004. 16 May 2014.
"Corporal Punishment in Schools and Its Effect on Academic Success” Joint HRW/ACLU Statement." 15 April 2010. Human Rights Watch. 19 May 2014.
Gender Research & Advocacy Project. "BASIC FACTS ABOUT CORPORAL PUNISHMENT." unknown. fact sheet. 8 may 2014.
"" 01 October 2012. 9 May 2014.
Human Rights Watch. "A Violent Education ." 20 August 2008. Human Rights Watch. 19 May 2014.
Laura W. Murphy, DirectorDeborah J. Vagins,Alison Parker,. "“Corporal Punishment in Schools and Its Effect on Academic Success” Joint HRW/ACLU Statement." 15 April 2010. Human Rights Watch. 8 May 2014.
Lee, Katherine. n.d. 16 may 2014.

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