uniform problem | Teen Ink

uniform problem

May 26, 2014
By jose beltran BRONZE, Austin, Texas
jose beltran BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every day I wake up to go to school and I have to change my clothes but I feel too tired to change. If we didn’t have uniform things would be less hard. When kids get home kids just what to relaxes but they can’t when there wherein a uniform
When I wear a uniform I feel less creative in school and my house. Kids like me have to be creative if not everyone will be boring and ordinary.
When I wear a uniform I feel all locked up inside like no one knows me. Kids can’t tell who I am when I have a uniform because everyone looks the same in it.
Also some kid’s family can’t buy uniforms because they don’t have a lot of money. Uniforms are not cheap and kids should just wear what they have now for it to be easyer.

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