"Study Methods" = Concentration | Teen Ink

"Study Methods" = Concentration

February 17, 2015
By SetTheMusicFr33 BRONZE, Essex, Vermont
SetTheMusicFr33 BRONZE, Essex, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just be happy"

Imagine you are sitting in meeting or a class. You are listening to the speaker and you get bored, so you take out a piece of paper and you doodle. The speaker then asks you “Am I bothering you?” You then look up and reply with a “sorry, I got side tracked; continue”. You kinda stutter in shame but you move on. Later that night you wonder why wasn’t it okay to doodle? Why didn’t the speaker allow me to doodle? and so that lead you to think they didn’t like you, or you don’t fit in. But you believed there was more to the story, so you researched why doodling during a class or meeting helped people focused. You found the answer.

It is hard to focus for many people, so resulting, many people find a way to cope or calm their tensions that build up by using “study methods”. “Study methods” really help students or workers, really anyone. A “Study method” is a way to relax and focus usually using minor distractions. Imagine a student in a class very focused and engaged. That student uses their feet as a “study method”, usually by wiggling, rubbing, or even just swinging their feet around.These things can help others improve following directions, staying focus, paying attention, or connecting with the classes session. When the student is in use of the “study method” it actually helped stop daydreaming or fatasying. This is why the student was so engaged in the class session. When when you are using a “study method” it helps stop fantasizing because your brain is forced to produce enough energy to stop daydreaming (from: Time). The Time article, Study: Doodling Helps You Pay Attention by John Cloud, states that it does help you focus better because it stops you from daydreaming. Daydreaming involves more resources and energy then it would to use a “study method” So doodling is good.

When I sit down at night and look at my doodles, I see some different things. I see inspiration, and I also see creativeness. But is that all that is behind doodling? Have you ever gone to bed and you are half awakened by the intruding parent that reminds you do to something in the morning? And you respond with throwing something at the door, like a pillow so when you woke up in the morning you will look at it and wonder, what is that there for? I do this so much but I never no why. The article, The Power of Doodle: Improve your Focus and Memory by Sue, talks about a man named Jesse who would go to meetings and draw human figures. When he got home he would look back at it to help him remember what he learned. This helped him remember what the conversation was about and everything they discussed. This is exactly what I do when I throw a pillow in front of my door to remind me what my parent asked me to do when I was half asleep. Doodling during class is the best distraction whether teachers like it or not. It helps you remember what you learned, like a sticky note with notes from class.

“study methods” are a way to keep focused for longer amounts of time than usual. But how does chewing gum and doodling help you focus more? In the article from Science World, Can Chewing Gum Help You Concentrate by Luis Villazon, explains the true science of why gum helps you concentrate more than non gum chewers. He explains that the motion of your tongue and your teeth create a small distraction. This distraction is small because you use less consintration on your brain rather than not chewing. If you're not using a method like chewing gum then your brain is going to be racing back in forth from one question to the other. This has happened to me many times before and I know it has happened to others. I agree with the article, I think are brain gets side tracked and has nothing to do so it thinks about other things, it thinks it needs to keep working. So having that little thing you do everyday can help your brain do something.

People with ADD/ADHD struggle with paying attention, Having a “study method”, in my belief, would help them. In the article, Doodling and Fidgets Helps With ADD/ADHD by Glenda Buttgen, talks about how doodling is a way of fidgeting because it helps those ADD/ADHD kids. She also talks about how fidgeting manors are similar to drawing because you're fidgeting through your hand. Every ADD/ADHD person should try doodling. She explained that teachers in schools should take inconsiderate that doodling has an impact on their learning for good and that they should want to help students interact and learn in class better. I believe in what she explains too, one because she convinces me that teachers should allow kids to use those good “study methods” but that she tells me that teachers don’t believe in it. If teachers don’t believe in it, how are students with ADD/ADHD suppose to learn better without the simple guide?

Working with a kid who struggles in class may be a good sign that he needs a “study method”, or even if you need one. Anyone, and I mean anyone can use “study methods” in their daily life no matter what you do. Meetings, phone calls, and even while listening to a audible book. People don't realize that they may use one or that they need to use them. After doing all the research I realized that my “study method” is a switch between shading in boxes to my leg shaking. “study methods” are good after all.

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