Apologies are Important | Teen Ink

Apologies are Important

March 7, 2019
By Gabby-M BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Gabby-M BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Apologizing is one of the most important things in life. Why you may ask? Because no matter who it may be, we all have feelings and feelings get hurt. Feelings are fragile, and only apologies can mend them. Apologizing is a key variable to fixing things like fights. During fights, things can be said that you don’t mean. These things can be like paper cuts or bullet wounds. Saying “sorry” can mend these wounds and help you to learn a valuable lesson. Apologizing is one of the hardest things to do in life. Apologizing is admitting that you were in the wrong and you need to correct things. After apologizing, though, it feels like 1,000,000 pounds was lifted off of your shoulders. This is because you are no longer guilty and/or upset. Apologizing can make you happier, smarter, and overall makes you a better person. When you don’t apologize, you feel sad, angry, and guilty. These feelings can make you even more upset and affect others around you. Even though it may be hard, you ALWAYS need to apologize. No matter if it’s your fault, apologizing is always the right and best way out.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a couple of my life situations. This piece is also a reminder to anyone who may need to apologize that doing so can fix anything. 

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