Freeing Feminine Hygiene Products | Teen Ink

Freeing Feminine Hygiene Products

April 30, 2019
By karis-n BRONZE, Onalaska, Wisconsin
karis-n BRONZE, Onalaska, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feminine hygiene products should be provided for free in public and school restrooms, third world and developing countries.  Many young girls and women are missing out on school and work because of their menstrual cycles. Girls in school, such as Celeste Bond, are denied use of the bathroom during class, even when they’re on their period. Celeste Bond, for example, was told she couldn’t use the bathroom or go to the nurse after feeling her first cramp of that cycle (Scaccia).

Millions of females don’t get what they need to stay clean and safe during menstruation, risking infection and health problems.  “The 250 million girls lacking access the safe menstrual products and the hygienic tools necessary to manage their periods re at risk of losing their futures.” … “This leads many girls to rely on dirty rags or old newspapers which is not sanitary.”  (Kowalczewski)

Girls are not only lacking supplies, they’re lacking education about their own bodies; therefore, they don’t know what they need to use to stay hygienic.  In India, 3 out of 10 girls don’t know what menstruation is at the time of their first period, and only 12% of women in India have access to hygienic ways of managing their period, leading to diseases and infections  (Gupta).

The author's comments:

I've recently been more fascinated by this topic and have looked into it more, because I feel that it is a very current thing, but people aren't talking a lot about it.


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