Do We Need The Government To Keep Society In Order? | Teen Ink

Do We Need The Government To Keep Society In Order?

December 11, 2020
By jasminesemblante BRONZE, Waimea, Hawaii
jasminesemblante BRONZE, Waimea, Hawaii
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Do We Need The Government To Keep Society In Order?

The movie The Purge is a great example of what would happen if humankind didn’t have authority such as the government to keep society in order. The movie delves further into what would lead people to actually participate in crime and violence. The Purge tends to explore the worst side of human nature, and some view it as unrealistic that so many people would engage in crime, violent or otherwise if it is allowed. Similarly, in Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island have to govern themselves by developing rules and a system of organization, with the absence of any adults to serve as a 'civilizing' impulse. Throughout the novel the children eventually become violent and brutal. Human beings live in a world which requires a government to keep society in order.

Without authority, the boys had to survive and maintain themselves on their own with the absence of adults. Because the boys had to govern themselves on their own, they had to learn how to be independent. To illustrate this point one need only offer to when the young boys are deserted on an island. According to the novel Lord of the Flies it states, “This is an island. At least I think it’s an island. That’s a reef out in the sea. Perhaps there aren’t any grownups anywhere.” (Golding 7-8) As the boys discover what kind of ground they are on, they finally come to a conclusion that they're on an island. This quote leads us to believe that the naive, inexperienced boys have unexpectedly found themselves dropped into a place where there are no adults, no social institutions, and no order. Now they understand that the ruling order of society that they are used to, has disappeared. Those young boys must learn how to adapt to the new environment that they have been introduced to on their own to maintain survival.


In addition, because there was no designated leader, Ralph and Jack stepped up to take charge. Both Ralph and Jack symbolize different types of government. Ralph symbolizes democracy and Jack represents an absolute dictatorship. Take for example when Ralph blows the conch to call the boys in for a meeting. The author, Golding, states “They obeyed the summons of the conch, partly because Ralph blew it, and he was big enough to be a link with the adult world of authority; and partly because they enjoyed the entertainment of the assemblies. But otherwise they seldom bothered with the biguns and their passionately emotional and corporate life was their own.” (Golding 59) In view of this quote presented by the author, Golding, it is quite likely that the boys respected and followed more of Ralph’s orders and rules other than Jack’s. The boys decided to elect Ralph as leader, because he has already shown his creativity by blowing into a conch shell and calling the boys together. It also shows they respected Ralph as an adult authority figure. 

However, it is difficult to believe that there are many individuals that think we DO NOT need a government to keep society in order. For example, according to Golding, it reveals "Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh "new understanding that Piggy gave him." (Golding 114-115) It is very possible that Ralph, (the leader who symbolizes democracy,) tended to get crazy during the duration the boys were deserted on the island by themselves. There are people in the world that have the common sense and intelligence to control themselves to not make bad choices, yet we cannot ignore the fact that there are people in the world that are unable to do that.

In conclusion, the author of this text, Golding, leads the reader to believe that the government gives the society orders and rules, which they are allowed to follow in order to keep humankind in place. According to the novel, Lord of the Flies, the young boys had to learn how to be independent, because they were deserted on the island with no adult authority. Because there was no designated leader, the two young boys, Ralph and Jack, stepped up to take charge.

The author's comments:

To write this Argumentative Essay we had to answer the following prompt: Do We Need The Government To Keep Society In Order? We also had to make references to the novel Lord of the Flies, to help backup our thesis/claim. 


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