AI: Warning of the Consequences of Unchecked Progress | Teen Ink

AI: Warning of the Consequences of Unchecked Progress

June 29, 2024
By Mapricotist PLATINUM, Weston, Massachusetts
Mapricotist PLATINUM, Weston, Massachusetts
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In November 2022, ChatGpt was launched, marking another major step in human technology. However, instead of celebrating, we should be worried. Unchecked scientific and technological advancements can pose significant risks to human safety. Elon Musk stated, "Artificial intelligence is potentially more dangerous than nukes." This, coming from one of the most innovative minds whose job is all about technological progress, is very alarming.


Artificial intelligence is a technique used to teach computer software to think critically and creatively, like the human mind. We have become increasingly reliant on the Internet, storing almost all our private information online. Information about your nationality, education, occupation, purchasing habits can be found online by anyone. You may be aware of this, but did you know that AI's powerful retrieval capabilities can now access your personal information and potentially open it up to bad actors, leading to identity theft and other cybercrimes that may affect national security? According to the FTC, in 2021, fraud complaints rose 19% and financial losses from fraud rose 77% from the year prior. Also, FTC states that "The number of consumer identity theft complaints rose 3.3%, to just over 1.43 million." If this does not scare you, then maybe you’d like to give me your credit cards for safe keeping? You can trust me!


More concerning, artificial intelligence raises the fear that humans may be controlled by intelligent machines and eventually eradicated by AI. In the 2023 film, The Wandering Earth II, the quantum computer becomes self-aware and gains the ability to collect information. In an attempt to save humanity, the computer controls and calculates all human actions and causes disasters that lead to the destruction of mankind. This scenario highlights the potential danger of AI. And even though the AI thinks it is trying to save all mankind, if we give it autonomous consciousness, it may well destroy us. At present, ChatGPT can already make statements about destroying human beings. If we let it go, these things we see in sci-fi movies may be very real.


In addition to these concerns, the ethical implications of AI cannot be ignored. As machines become more capable of making autonomous decisions, we must ask: who should be held responsible for their actions? The developers who created them? The machines themselves? Both? Neither? Without clear ethical guidelines and regulations, the potential for abuse and manipulation of this technology is significant, further exacerbating the risks associated with unchecked technological advancements. As such, it is crucial that we approach AI development with caution and foresight. Only when we are confident the positives outweigh the negatives, and the risks are manageable with failsafe measures, should we proceed with developing technology.

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