Electricity and It's Role in the Modern World | Teen Ink

Electricity and It's Role in the Modern World

October 2, 2011
By boklenhle GOLD, North Platte, Nebraska
boklenhle GOLD, North Platte, Nebraska
16 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our scars tell us where we have been, but do not have to dictate where we are going.

We use it almost every minute, of everyday, of every year, electricity. You use it when you turn on the lights, when you turn on your cell phone, some people even have electric toothbrushes.
But, what we usually don't think about is that electricity, was just recently discovered. Thomas Edison "invented" electricity only about 100 years ago. At least that was when we started using it for other purposes, such as lights.
Electricity is something most people think they cannot live without. But, knowing that electricity is such a recent invention, you should be able to infer that people have lived without ipods, cell phones, computers, etc.
So would it be better to get rid of electricity? No, at least I don't think so. It is impairing us, socially, what with facebook, twitter, and myspace, most people can hardly have a conversation over the phone, let alone face to face.
I like to think of it like this: someone who is addicted to cocaine, goes cold turkey. There will be withdrawal, with harsh side effects. I think that would be kind of like what the whole world would experience if the electricity goes out forever; minus the physical withdrawal, of course.
So what should we do? Maybe cut down on the amount of electricity you use everyday. Instead of playing Angry Birds, (or anything else) on your itouch, read a book, outside in the sunlight, not only does it save electricity but, you'll get your daily amount of vitamin D.
Here's ten things you can do instead of used electricity, and continue being a hermit: 1) go for a walk, it's healthy for you too. 2) get outside, and play a sport, fun and good for you. 3) Spend time with your friends. 4) read, it will hone your writing skills and give you good ideas. 5) write out plots for stories, it will help plan what's to come. 6) volunteer, it helps others in need, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. 7) walk your dog, good for you and your dog (if you have one). 8)sketch anything you see, or try to draw the main character in your most recent story. It gives you an idea on how they look, put a face to the name. 9) play with a pet, it makes everyone happy. 10) take a little sibling to the park, or maybe a neighbor kid.
Now, see if you can go one day without using electricity, that means no lights, no ipod, no cell phone, no computer, etc.. (Not including toothbrushes we don't want to smell you.)
Can you live without electricity? I've given you 10 ideas on other things to do, that are good for you and others, there should be no reason you can't do at least one of them.


This article has 2 comments.

boklenhle GOLD said...
on Oct. 11 2011 at 2:56 pm
boklenhle GOLD, North Platte, Nebraska
16 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our scars tell us where we have been, but do not have to dictate where we are going.

haha, thanks!

on Oct. 9 2011 at 6:23 pm
Rocinante SILVER, Wexford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 1 photo 386 comments
I like it! Your "10 ideas" are good! And I like the one about the toothbrush haha :)