This Pain of Mine | Teen Ink

This Pain of Mine

November 4, 2011
By Anonymous

You can swallow anger, you can get rid of hate, and spite, and pain.
But there is one form of pain that is impossible to rid yourself of.
And that’s sadness.
Misery, anguish, woe, any what you may call it, it’s undeniable, it hurts more than anything else.
It makes you feel like simply curling up in an unknown place away from life and moving on.
You want to go to that place in the sky where they say life is perfect.
You have no pain or sadness there.
It’s truly, as it’s named, Heaven.
And you know if suicide weren’t one of the worst sins you could commit, you might have taken that path already.
You cannot get rid of that hollow, empty feeling that simply gets worse as time goes on. You cannot rid yourself of your pain and sorrow.
So you simply must embrace your hollow soul and trudge on.
You must accept your pain and move on.
But you know you can’t.
It’s impossible.
This pain of yours is unforgettable.
No one can feel it but you.
And you feel it.
You feel it every day, every moment, every word that burns, and every action that hurts.
You try to be happy, and you are.
Until something happens, and then you’re back worse than before.
Happiness is simply a veil in which you attempt to cover your sadness.
It will always be there, no matter how happy you may be.
And it never dies.
The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.
Even stars burn out.


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