A Better World | Teen Ink

A Better World

September 5, 2012
By Vagalume GOLD, Brión, Other
Vagalume GOLD, Brión, Other
11 articles 12 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Carpe Diem

A lot of things are going on around us while we are sitting in front of a desk, when we are on the bus driving to school, when we have a fork on your hand with food ready to be eaten… There are a lot of people who need our help. Those people live in really bad conditions, in most of the cases they live in inhuman conditions. They don’t have a meal to eat everyday, they don’t have water to drink, they don’t have a home like ours, they don’t have a doctor that gives them medication when they are ill… Those are the people who need us the most. So many people die of diseases that could be treated with a simple and cheap pill. Why? People die because of hunger while we throw away so many food. I don't understand. Why do we waste our money on things that aren’t really important while those people don’t even have a dollar to survive? We should think about all those things and try to make our best and help them. We should try to fight together to find the balance. We live in an unfair world, but we can make the difference. Those people deserve a better life and we are the only ones that can help them. I hope my dream comes true, so I will try to do my best. I will help them, that's the first step to reach a better world.


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