Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

March 20, 2013
By Anqelica BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Anqelica BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would you ever want to be on the wrong end of a gun? Guns take away people’s pursuit of happiness. Conservatives believe that the Second Amendment protects our rights to bear arms. Liberals believe that the Constitution is old and it should have more power over the guns. Because more guns in the hands of people means more crime, only certain people should be able to bear arms, with guns in the hands of people, innocent people can end up on the wrong side of the gun.
More guns in the hands of people mean more crime. In the Aurora Theater shooting, Holmes had tons of guns. He ended people’s lives without any purpose. For example, people in the Theater were innocent and they got harmed. The text, “We Have No Right to Bear Arms” says, “Innocent people in America every second of every day end up on the wrong end of a bullet.” This shows how with guns, innocent people are killed.
Only certain people should be able to be armed. In my opinion, only the law should be armed because people cannot be trusted. For example, in the Sandy Hook incident, the shooter shot his mother and 20children that did no harm. In the text “We Have No Right to Bear Arms,” Sarah O’Leary explains how we face consequences because people think that citizens should have the right to bear arms. I agree with this statement because the citizens who do not do anything wrong get consequences because of what other citizens have done in the past.
With guns in the hands of dangerous people, innocent people can end up on the wrong side of the gun. Last but not least, innocent people are killed with guns. For example, in “We Have No Right to Bear Arms” explains that innocent people are killed and end up on the wrong end of the bullet. This shows how innocent people are often not given the chance to do more right things.
To conclude, I believe that guns should be in the hands of the law. Guns ruin lives, the force should only have guns, and innocent people can be killed. Citizens should not be able to hold a gun; the armed forces should have all the guns. It’s safer this way.

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