Professionalism at It's Finest | Teen Ink

Professionalism at It's Finest

July 29, 2013
By andarsene SILVER, Bowie, Maryland
andarsene SILVER, Bowie, Maryland
6 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves.

Picture this: You’ve been looking for a job for months and you’ve finally found one that was
willing to interview you: a managerial position at McDonald’s. As you waited for your interview, you
looked around the waiting room. Looking at the other candidates, you feel as though you’ve got this job
in the bag. But something is amiss. You turned towards the door just in time to see a man walk in
exuding confidence. Dress in a clean cut suit with a walk that screams “CEO.” As you looked down at
your plain white tshirt
and jeans you thought to yourself, “He must be the guy who’s interviewing
me.” But he sat down in the waiting room like everyone else and you sat there wondering why he
made such a fuss for a position at McDonald’s.
You didn’t get the job, but mystery man did. Why did he get the job? What did he have that
you didn’t? These are probably the questions you’ll be asking yourself. But the real question is: Why did
you show up to an interview in jeans and a tshirt?
The mysterious man acted and dressed as though
people should respect him. Whereas you dressed like you were going to McDonald's rather than
working there. To exhibit professionalism, you must not give a respected individual a reason reject you.
A true professional treats every opportunity like it’s golden, no matter how small.


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