Loneliness in America | Teen Ink

Loneliness in America

November 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Loneliness in America

Does anybody realize the serious dark side of America, I mean the tragedy of many young adults in the dark corner of loneliness. Many for different reasons ranging from being socially awkward to sadly the struggles of mental disabilities. Sadly more often than not many people are not accepted in society.

Trouble with loneliness for people with a mental disability can be especially frustrating for the mentally handicapped, due to their lack of true comprehension of the society’s nature. One book that really gives you an insight into some of the challenges of loneliness for a mentally handicapped man is Of Mice and Men. Lenny is one of the main characters and is accompanied by his “caretaker” George on a journey to a ranch to make some money. Lenny tends to be quiet and has the mentality of a three year old. As the story goes on you learn that back in that time frame society never accepted mentally handicapped as a fault, they just kind of played it off as if they didn’t know.

In todays world we are most definitely more physically accepting of the handicapped because we have grown to learn about all the different disabilities out there. They now often get quite a lot of help with everyday living as well as being socially accepted! Their loneliness has declined due to the fact that they are not required to live beyond their means just because others do not understand their struggle in life.

Although the handicapped have been more accepted in the community there is always those soul-less people that seem to have some kind of enjoyment out of hazing the challenged. I believe these people should be severely punished for their wrong doing and cruel mind. All in all the loneliness connected to being mentally handicapped had been greatly decreased due to the advancements in todays medical field and the publics general knowledge.

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