They matter too | Teen Ink

They matter too

November 7, 2013
By Joshua McMahon BRONZE, Acworth, Georgia
Joshua McMahon BRONZE, Acworth, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For as long as humans have been on this earth, they have found themselves superior to animals for simple reasons such as the fact that we have thumbs, but all the same animals have feelings just as we do. When many people get angry, they take it out on their own animal assuming it doesn’t feel. Animals feel the same as we do and they deserve the same rights as us. A murder is a murder, whether it is of an animal or not, it shouldn’t matter.

Many people throughout history have believed that animals are one of the most important parts of a country. These men include Gandhi, who said that, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” The most pure form of love a human will ever find is that of an animal. When there will always be doubts whether or not another human loves you, an animal is untainted by the opinions of others and loves you no matter what. If someone can hurt something that loves it more than anything, what could that same person do to another human, when they have doubts about how they feel? The longer crimes against animals go unpunished, the more acceptable it becomes, and it isn’t a big step between hurting an animal and hurting another human being.

To stop this violence, you can do many things. You could push the animal rights movement and punish those who hurt the animals, or you could help the animals. You could become a rescue home to help save the animals lives. If you decide to help in the animal rights movement, you may be able to stop this heartlessness. You wouldn’t just be stopping someone with evil in their heart, but you would also be saving many animals, and possibly humans.

There are many associations who fight for the rights of animals and any of them help. Depending on what animal you wish to help first, you have many choices. The most often abused animals are dogs, and one of the biggest foundations fight to help the dogs is the “Hooves and Paws” foundation. You can volunteer to go to homes and get the dogs or cows, you can volunteer at a shelter to help them survive, or you could donate money to help others save these poor animals. It is unacceptable to hurt animals, and it is just as bad if not worse than hurting other humans.

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