Relating Transcendentalism to Divorce | Teen Ink

Relating Transcendentalism to Divorce

November 7, 2013
By SSeminaro BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
SSeminaro BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Transcendentalism can have many definitions, but non-conformity conforms most to my life. My definition of non-conformity is not being seen as usual in a peer's eyes. Divorce is something I think is non-conforming. In every kids eyes a marriage is a happy wife and husband, a happy mom and dad. My situation was different, they weren't happy. And neither was I. I didn't realize it at the time but when my mom told me of their divorce I felt almost relieved. My parent's divorce made problems for me with my friends. I saw my friend's parents start to distance themselves from my mom and that affected me. I missed out on a lot because my mom went back to work, and who wants to handle an extra kid? I felt different with no one to relate to.
In the past 20 years divorce rates have almost doubled. That means the kids being heartbroken or confused doubled also. Even though kids with divorced parents don’t seem like a tragedy or a charity, it still affects how they do in school or socially. I know it affected me in my school work and I closed up around my friends.
Rainbows fixes the feeling of non-conformity in kids. Rainbows is an organization that provides counseling/support groups for kids that have experienced a death or divorce. The best part of the program is that you are in a group so you have four to five other kids that you can relate to and feel normal around, not different. I made some of the funniest memories in Rainbows and I met my best friend there. Support is all a kid need to get through their parent’s divorce and Rainbows provides that, also it’s free so parents don’t have to worry about paying. People expect that little kids are the only ones that need counseling, but Rainbows provides counseling through adulthood. Throughout the program Rainbows makes kids feel normal in a different situation, and that’s why non-conformity conforms to divorce.

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