What Is Life? | Teen Ink

What Is Life?

December 15, 2013
By Kyle Fitzgerald BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Kyle Fitzgerald BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To be completely honest at this point Im pondering the reasons why we are all here. It came to me about about a week ago when one of my moms friends stopped by our house.

When my moms friend cam over I happened to come inside from playing lacrosse out back when she then says to me “ Kyle what do you want to do with your life “ at that point my head was basically spinning considering I was thinking so hard about that question and thinking of something I enjoy and would be good at. That’s about when I pondered to myself what am I doing , what am I going to do with my life?

I kept on thinking of career paths and even did a little research on the computer but I came to the conclusion that everyone through their daily lives some rich some poor and others in between but honestly how many of these people are happy with their lives , their jobs? It’s probably then when I questioned myself why put yourself through this demanding education system from all the way from kindergarten all the way up till college and then hate what they’re doing with their lives. Back to the point of me trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Therefore with all this thought I have put into it I quite frankly have no motivation to push through/persevere because I mean when you graduate you’ll feel a since of accomplishment, but for what some calculus that you’ll most likely never use in life, so to me I want to graduate but I won’t be happy nor sad about it. I would rather work and make minimum wage and be happy than make millions and be miserable. Life to me is a cycle and I’m not talking religiously or anything but what or should I say why do we all follow this society and try to be this perfect mold that everyone else wants you to be and have a family and have your kids fit into this “mold” that society wants and expects you to be. You will do the same routine of getting up at 6 A.M shaving, showering, getting dressed, going to work, coming home and repeating five times a week for years. For what, what did doing all that same routine prove. Did it make anyone happier, maybe a little more cash than you already have.

So my overall point being what is the point of doing all this for all those years just for your money go to waste and doing all these accomplishments just to die in the end?

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