Bad Ad | Teen Ink

Bad Ad

December 18, 2013
By Brian Eineke BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Brian Eineke BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This advertisement is for Camel cigarettes. It shows three large pictures that are side by side surrounded with a bluish-green border. Above the picture, it says “CAMEL” in large bold green letters. Below the pictures it says “TASTE IT ALL” in large white letters. Next is the yellow Camel logo. Below the logo is the Surgeon General’s warning about the health effects of smoking. The first photo shows the cup of coffee on a table next to a writing journal. There is also a pencil and a lighter next to the journal. Directly in the middle of the photo it says “MEMORIES” in all capital white letters.

The second photo is directly to the right. This one shows an African American man sitting next to white women playing a piano. He appears to be around in his late 50s. The man is wearing a green top hat and black jacket. He also has a long beard and has a cigarette in his mouth. The woman has red hair and is wearing a jean jacket. She is younger than the guy and looks around 40. She has a cigarette in her hand. Across the middle it says “MOMENTS” in the same format as the last photo.

The last photo on the right features the cigarettes. It is a close up of an open pack. It focuses in on the detail of the cigarettes by showing the Camel logo on the filters. The box has the logo on it with a bluish green swirl around it. The rest of the pack is green. It then says “IMAGINATION” in the same format as the last two.

This ad is using “The Big Lie” to sell their cigarettes. They are saying if you smoke cigarettes, you will make warm memories and have good times with friends. This is foolish because smoking cigarettes has nothing to do with friends or memoires. Your actions and choices make memoires, not smoking. Smoking will actually ruin friendships because you will be focused on your addiction, not your friends.

Another technique used is “Bandwagon”. The ad is showing people hanging out and making it seem all of the cool people are doing it. By doing this they want people to smoke so they are like those people. This is far from true though. Having two people in an ad smoking doesn’t mean everyone’s doing it.

This ad also lives up to the bandwagon technique and stereotype that smoking makes you cool. When you look at the ad, you see the hanging out playing the piano and smoking. You don’t need cigarettes in order to hang out with your friends. The photo with imagination written on it is saying that if you smoke anything is possible. Smoking has nothing to do with your imagination. It actually makes fewer things possible due to the health and economical affects. They are also trying to make it seem like smoking brings people together by using people of different races. Again, it isn’t the cigarettes doing this. You pick your own friends based on who they are, not if they smoke or not.
This ad leaves out a lot of information they don’t want you to know. Cigarettes cause a lot of health issues like heart disease, lung cancer, and other lung disorders. Besides the small warning they are forced to have, it says nothing about these possible problems. Another big thing excluded is the price. Cigarettes are about seven dollars a pack. If you smoke two packs a day for one year it will cost $5,110 dollars. That’s a lot of money they don’t want you to know about. You will also smell like smoke all of the time and be addicted to nicotine. Again, this is excluded.

This ad is bad because it’s misleading and doesn’t include important details. It makes smoking seem cool and it will make you gain friends. It will really only cause dangerous health affects and destroy your wallet. The only warning it provides is the little, forced government label at the bottom corner. Yet it still tries to make smoking seem positive. Overall, this ad isn’t good one bit.

The author's comments:
This is about a bad ad in a magazine advertising cigarettes.

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