Facebook Dangers | Teen Ink

Facebook Dangers

January 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you think young Americans share too much on Social Networks? I do.

Young Americans would post a picture that isn’t appropriate and some creepers can save it and use it to find out where you live. Or your pictures can be Photoshop or even changed or used for things you wouldn’t like. So if you don’t want this to happen you need to be smart and change your privacy setting and do not post pictures you wouldn’t show your parents.

Some young Americans don’t think about all the dangers on the web and they would just throw all their information on a site and that’s how a rapist and all creepers can find you. For example some teens could post like, “party at my house call me at 555-5555 if you want to come. My address is 5555 on mill lane”, and some creeper can see it and can come and rob you, rape you or even kill you. But some predators may only need to see a picture of you in front of a street to figure out where you live, so posting pictures all the time may make you unaware of the information your are actually posting; be careful what pictures you post. Remember would , you just let your front door and let anybody in? Well shockingly thats what your doing.

Lastly, the most important is if you don't change your privacy setting then people who are not your friend, can come and hack you or steal that photo or even track you down. So to stay safe go home and change your privacy setting and make sure that you put pictures on Facebook that they have to be ones that are internet friendly.

In conclusion, young Americans need to be safe about what they put on the internet or what they share.Also they often need to check on what their privacy settings are because Facebook updates often. Post pictures that are appropriate and be careful what you share. I know they say sharing is caring, but you need to care about what you share.

The author's comments:
I'm Hannah and i love to write but my writing is not that well plus i also have terrible english and spelling but some how i make it work in life. what inspired me to write this is i know A LOT of people in my life who has a facebook and they ask me "hey Hannah do you have a facebook?" and i just think to myself i dont want one because i would put me and my family in danger.

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