No One | Teen Ink

No One

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

“911 how may I help you.” There's a pause before the person answers. “My daughter just committed suicide.”

The mother’s hands were shaking. Her vision was blurry from crying. All she could do was see her young lifeless daughter hanging from the ceiling fan. Her father in pain and distraught runs in, he looks and immediately falls to his knees and starts crying. Their lives will never be the same. Their precious little angel will never be by their side again.

Suicide is one of the major death causes around the world. That needs to end. Suicide doesn't end the pain it just passes it to others.

Every year over 30,000 Americans die because of suicide. This needs to stop. In the article “The inner voice that drives suicide”, psychologists say that what drives a person to suicide is an inner voice that causes self destructive thoughts. I spoke with an ex victim of suicidal thoughts and they said, “ After I tried to commit suicide I immediately regretted it. I realized I wanted to live. I didn't want to die, I just wanted the pain to end.” You see, most people who try to commit suicide regret it and are grateful for a second chance in life. But the people who don’t get that second chance will never know how much they are needed and loved in this world.

Imagine the pain your fellow loved ones will feel when they get the news that you are dead. Pain.Pain, Pain. And more pain. That’s the only thing they will feel for the rest of their lives. Whereas for you, it’s all over. No more school. No chance at finding love. No chance of having kids. No chance at anything. All because you decided to end your life over a problem that could have been fixed if help was sought. Who knows? You could have been the one to find the cure for cancer. You could have been the one to end world hunger. You could have been the one to change someones life. But now that will never happen. Because you’re gone and there's no turning back.
You see, I have a sister who tried to commit suicide three times. Fortunately, she failed all three of her attempts and got a new fresh start in life. But she’s not the only one, I’m also a survivor of a suicide attempt. I know what it’s like to go through so much pain where you just want to run away. I know the thoughts that go through your mind before you take those pills or pull the trigger of the gun you probably stole from your father’s closet. I know what it’s like to be attacked by an inner voice driving you insane to a point where you want to pull your hair out and scream. Fortunately, I got another chance at life. I realized I didn’t want to end it all, I was just trying to run away from all the pain. Life is precious. You only get one chance at it. Don’t ruin it. I’ve learned my lesson. Although I was lucky enough to get a second chance, a lot of people won’t get that chance. And the only thing going to be left behind is pain for their loved ones. You might think they don’t care. You might think they don’t love you. You might think there life would be better without you in it. But you’re wrong. You are loved. You are cared for. And you are needed.
Suicide does nothing but pass the pain along to the people you love and care most about in life. It causes them to feel empty. Alone. Broken. Like their world is about to fall apart. They start to blame themselves because of what you did. They start thinking that they could have done something to stop you. The only thing going through their mind is the fact that you almost died and that they weren’t there to try and stop you. For the rest of their lives they feel like they weren’t good enough. They feel like the amount of love they gave you wasn’t enough. They feel like they didn’t care enough. And lastly they feel like they aren’t enough. You see, even if you get a second chance in life the pain you caused the people you love when they got the news that you tried to commit suicide will never be forgotten. Life is delicate. It’s an adventure. It’s a rollercoaster. It’s going to have its ups and downs. And at times you may feel like its only a downride but it gets better. It has to get better. Life is meant to drive you crazy.
Life is something you only get one chance in. Not two. Not three. Not four. Just one chance. Are you really willing to take that chance over something that could be fixed? Is life really that meaningless to you that you would want to end it all? Do you not realize how many people you would hurt if you ended your life? A lot of people. Your family members lives would never be the same. There would be a hole in their life and the only way to fill those holes up is, if you were still alive. But you aren’t! You’re gone, and there's no turning back. All the teachers at school who you thought didn’t like you cause they pushed you too hard will never be the same again. They pushed you too hard because they saw potential. They saw a kid with a bright future. A kid who they thought would never give up. But you did. And now it’s all over. And your friends you may ask? They are devastated. All they do is blame themselves for not seeing that you needed help. They cry every night because you’re gone. They don’t have their best friend anymore. No one to talk to. No one to laugh with. No one to cry with.
No one.

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