Terrorism | Teen Ink


March 2, 2014
By Natemoss BRONZE, New York, New York
Natemoss BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Terrorism, we can’t stop its gruesome violence but how do we slow it down[a][b]? Some people say the government is already taking away rights and our privacy. Ask yourself[c] would you rather have the government tap your phone or 9/11 all over again? Would you rather have the government look at who you called or tune into the news and hear the crying and screaming that terrorism has to offer?[a]
Terrorism is the act of harming other people or countries to cause fear. Terrorism cannot be completely stopped. The real question is how to slow it down[d]. There are already ways to slow it down but its not enough. We have beefed up airport security since 9/11 but attacks still happen. For example the Boston Marathon was two terrorists and a backpack. I think we should do whatever we can no matter how invasive it is.
Some ignorant people say that the government is being too intrusive on their privacy.I think it doesn't matter because I would rather have the government tap my phone then be dead.[e] You have to ask yourself if you would rather give up some minor freedoms or watch a tragedy on the news with thousands dead and still counting?

We need to start building up defenses now. I think at least one police car at every school in the U.S. Before the 1990’s international terrorists were almost non-existent. So now is the time to set up defenses because it didn’t happen before now. It’s obvious terrorism will never end but can be slowed down.
Terrorism can’t be erased from our past but can be prevented from our future[f]. To slow terrorism down we must give up some freedoms.I would give up mostly anything to erase 9/11 but we cant. We can give up alot to erase future terrorism tragedies. What will you give up for the fight against terrorism? [g]


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