Truth Between Good and Evil | Teen Ink

Truth Between Good and Evil

May 1, 2014
By AndyWong BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
AndyWong BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In society, there will always be two sides: the good and the evil. But society believes that the two opposing forces will always produce a delicate balance between each other. However, in reality, they create very different responses. If a person does something that is considered "evil" according to society, he or she is punished for their crimes and gain a reputation of infamy in society. These people are considered to be the scum of humanity, symbolizing the selfishness, evil, and hatred of humanity. People who are disgusted at the fact that this criminal had done something wrong should also feel disgusted at themselves for their hypocrisy. Everyone has done something "evil" in their lives, yet they completely ignore what they have done and try to blame someone else for the evils in the world. On the other spectrum, good makes up the other half. This is characterized by selflessness, honesty, and decency in humanity. On the contrary to doing "evil" things, the people who do "good" things do not receive as much recognition as people who have done "bad" things. Even though people like Bill Gates are branded as being good people for their charitable donations, there are many other people who have helped out the community and society without any recognition. Why do people believe in the equilibrium of good and evil, even though, they are the ones creating the actual imbalance between them? Evil will always be victorious because evil is the more interesting creation by humanity that strikes the consciousness of the mind.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 3 2014 at 5:30 pm
RunningBoy BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Wow, this is a great essay. Andy Wong is a genius.