How Perks of Being a Wallflower Relates to Teens Today | Teen Ink

How Perks of Being a Wallflower Relates to Teens Today

June 12, 2014
By miguelherrera BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
miguelherrera BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In today’s world teens are finding it harder and harder to fit in and find a place in society that they can truly call their own. We are given an understanding just how teens really think from the book by Stephen Chbosky called “Perks of being a Wallflower”. This book relates to every teen in today’s society.

For example bullying is extremely real and is an issue that is taken not so serious as it should be. In this book the main character Charlie is trying to find his place in high school. And in the beginning Charlie is abused and tormented on by the older kids who think he doesn’t belong. All you see in news today is how insecure kids have committed suicide because they were tormented in school because the other felt they didn’t belong with them. Charlie is going through highschool as an outcast because he is different until he find the people who are just like him.

This book also explains not only the issue of how teens fit in but how they act when they’re finaly around the ones they fit in with. In the text we see Charlie going to parties and hanging out with his friend. Showing how they make him feel alive inside and how they accept him for who he is. We see a ton of that in todays society. Parents think this is completely absurd seeing teens acting so immature and flat out weird around their friends. For example on almost every social network you will see someone post how they act with their “best friend” or someone posting about a party with their friends. As you can see this book tells the truth of how a teen thinks, acts and what we overall think about. Speaking as a teenager myself, I can say high school is a battle field. Trying to focus on school work but parents don’t understand that social status is something that terribly important to us, especially in high school! Stephen Chbosky captures all these worries and actual events very well in his book.

The last thing the author of this book captures is how easy us teens can feel like our world crumbles before us so quickly. This book depicts how Charlie loses his friends and everything goes back to the way they began. He’s alone scared and thinks his world has just crumbled before him. Teens are obviously overly dramatic, and being in high school personally seeing someones world shattered all because they lost their friend,lost the big game, or didn’t get the grade they wanted. And Mr Chbosky narrates this issue extremely well In this story.

in conclusion through all these examples we can easily tell that Stephen Chbosky can really relate common day issues to beautifly flowing words on paper. Stephen can now show adults the issues of a high school kid that we just can’t seem to get out. This book really makes you think, is it really so important to fit in and find people like you just to keep your “sanity” in high school.

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